Library of Congress >> MARC >> LITE Bibliographic >> 250-260 >> 250

250 - Edition Statement (NR)

MARC 21 LITE Bibliographic
April 2008

Information relating to the edition of a work as determined by applicable cataloging rules.

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First - Undefined
# - Undefined
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# - Undefined
Subfield Codes
$a - Edition statement (NR)
$b - Remainder of edition statement (NR)
Usually, a statement of personal or corporate responsibility and/or a parallel edition statement.
250 ##$a2nd ed.
250 ##$aSpecial education ed.
250 ##$aMedium-high voice ed.
250 ##$aRev. as of Jan. 1, 1958.
250 ##$a4th ed. /$brevised by J.G. Le Mesurier and E. McIntosh, Repr. with corrections.
250 ##$aRev. ed. /$bwith revisions, an introduction, and a chapter on writing by E.B. White, 2nd ed. / with the assistance of Eleanor Gould Packard.
250 ##$aCanadian ed. =$bÉd. canadienne.

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