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DATE: Dec. 15, 2006

NAME: Recording the linking ISSN (ISSN-L) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings Formats

SOURCE: ISSN International Centre

SUMMARY: This paper discusses the need to record the newly defined ISSN-L in MARC 21 records. The linking ISSN is an identifier intended to provide a mechanism to group the various medium versions of a continuing resource.

KEYWORDS: Field 022 (AD, BD, HD), International Standard Serial Number, Linking ISSN, ISSN-L



12/15/2006 - Made available to the MARC community for discussion.

01/21/2007 - Results of the MARC Advisory Committee discussion - The group strongly preferred Option 1: Addition of new MARC 21 subfields to record ISSN-L in field 022 (ISSN). A proposal will be prepared for the annual meeting. Discussion is needed about when and how the subfield for cancelled or incorrect ISSN-L should be used.

Discussion Paper No. 2007-DP03: Recording the linking ISSN (ISSN-L)


The revision of the International Standard, ISO 3297, Information and documentation - International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), concluded in November 2006 with the adoption of a new edition of the ISO ISSN Standard by the ISO Member Bodies. This new edition of ISO 3297 will be published in the first half of 2007.

One of the main outcomes of this revision was the addition of new functionality to the ISSN by the definition and the development of the "linking ISSN" or ISSN-L.

The purpose of the ISSN-L is to provide a mechanism for grouping, or collocating, the various medium versions of a resource, for instance, the print and online versions of a journal.

The serials community, i.e., those involved in the production, distribution, management of, and access to serial resources had expressed the strong desire that the ISSN system meet two different needs:


2.1. Data element needed

The ISO ISSN Standard defines the ISSN-L as "the ISSN designated by the ISSN Network to enable collocation or linking among the different media versions of a continuing resource."

"The first ISSN assigned, in the ISSN Register, to any medium version of a continuing resource shall be designated by default to function also as the ISSN-L and shall apply to all other media versions of that resource identified in the ISSN Register.

"The ISSN-L shall be included as a separate data element on each of the metadata records to which it pertains in the ISSN Register. Each metadata record in the ISSN Register will therefore carry the medium-specific ISSN assigned to the resource described in the record and the designated linking ISSN as separate data elements."

"An ISSN-L shall be designated for each continuing resource identified in the ISSN Register, even if the continuing resource exists in only one medium."

"Only one ISSN-L shall be designated regardless of how many different media versions of a continuing resource exist."

The above rules from the new ISO ISSN Standard stipulate that the ISSN-L is a separate data element, distinct from the medium-specific ISSN, but it is not to be considered a new identifier.

2.2 Definition of field 022

Field 022 is defined in the MARC 21 bibliographic, authority and holdings formats as follows:


First - Level of international interest
# - No level specified
0 - Serial of international interest
1 - Serial not of international interest
Second - Undefined
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - International Standard Serial Number (NR)
$y - Incorrect ISSN (R)
$z - Canceled ISSN (R)
$2 - Source (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)

2.3. Option 1: Addition of 2 new MARC 21 subfields to record ISSN-L in field 022 (ISSN)

Field 022 contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), a unique identification number assigned to a continuing resource, and/or any incorrect or cancelled ISSN. As the ISSN-L shall be designated from among the ISSN assigned to the different media versions of a continuing resource, the logical place for this data element is within the ISSN field. An ISSN-L shall be designated for each continuing resource (including all ISSN in the ISSN Register whether current or ceased)

2.3.1 Addition of a new MARC 21 022 subfield to record the ISSN-L

It is proposed to add a new subfield “f” in field 022 to store the designated ISSN-L. This subfield will not be repeatable.

$f - ISSN-L
Subfield $f contains the ISSN-L, which is an ISSN that links together various media versions of a continuing resource.


Resource with only one medium version:

022 0#$a1560-1560$f1560-1560

Resource with two medium versions (note each medium version has its own ISSN and its own record):

Record for print version:
022 0#$a1234-1231$f1234-1231

Record for online version:
022 0#$a1560-1560$f1234-1231

2.2.2. Addition of a new MARC 21 022 subfield to record incorrect/cancelled ISSN-L

In some rare cases, for human or technical reasons, the ISSN-L designated for a given publication may change (for instance because two distinct media versions of a continuing resource were not originally identified as different media versions and had distinct ISSN assigned). In this case, it is necessary to record both the valid ISSN-L (stored in subfield “f”) and the former incorrect or cancelled one, which we propose to store in a new subfield “g” of field 022. This new subfield “g” will be repeatable. Field 022 currently uses subfield $y for incorrect ISSN and subfield $z for cancelled. It is not clear that both of these are needed for a cancelled or invalid ISSN-L.


Versions separately identified and not immediately linked together:

Record for print version:
022 0#$a1234-1231$f1234-1231

Record for online version:
022 0#$a1560-1560$f1560-1560

Becomes (once the link between the two has been established):

Record for print version
022 0#$a1234-1231$f1234-1231

Record for online version
022 0#$a1560-1560$f1234-1231$g1560-1560



2.4. Option 2: Defining a second indicator to specify whether the ISSN is a linking one.

Another option is to define the second indicator with two values to identify whether the ISSN in the field is a linking one or not. In this case, the field would have to be repeated to record both ISSN. A value blank could be used for the medium specific ISSN and value 1 for linking ISSN. The same subfields already used for ISSN could then be used for the linking ISSN.

Second indicator – Type of ISSN

# - Medium-specific ISSN
Value blank indicates that the ISSN is not a linking one (ISSN-L).

0 – ISSN-L
Value 0 indicates the the ISSN is a linking one (ISSN-L).


Record for print version:
022 0# $a1234-1231
022 00 $a1234-1231

Record for online version:

022 0# $a1560-1560
022 00 $a1234-1231




  1. Would option 1 result in too many subfields in one field that record various varieties of the ISSN?
  2. If option 1 is desirable, is it necessary to distinguish cancelled and incorrect ISSN-L by defining a subfield for each?
  3. If option 2 is desirable, are there issues with allowing the repetition of field 022?
  4. Is one of the options more or less costly to implement?
  5. Are there other options to be considered (e.g. use of 024)?

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( 05/04/2007 )
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