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Agent Name Latex rubber
Alternative Name Natural rubber latex
CAS Number 9006-04-6
Major Category Biological Agents
Synonyms 5L-TP0203; AMA 7; Alkenes, polymers, rubber; Be Be Tex 1223; CS 700; CSV 1; CV 50; CV 60; Caoutchouc; Cartex 600; DRC 60; Defo 1000; Defo 700; Dynatex GTZ; Dynatex LA; E 218 (rubber); Ebonite; Elastic materials, rubber; Elastomers; FB 3001; Flexigum 40; Fultite FB 010K; Fultite FB 3001; Fultite FB 520; GLN 200; GNL 150; Gum Nafkacrystal; Gum nafkacrystal; HC 106; Hartex 102HR; Hartex 103; Harub 5LV; Heveacrumb SMR 5L; Heveaplus; Hydrocarbons, polymers, rubber; IR 25; IR 68; ISNA 5; Impervia; India rubber; Iotex C 60; JLX 105; JLX 113; KDP 150; Kagetex FA 2005; LATZ latex; Latex gum; Latex particles; Lorival R 25; Lotol L 9241; Mar DR 1135; Mitsuwa RC paper Cement; Nafka; Nafka crystal gum; Nafka kristalgom; Natural latex; Natural rubber; Polyisoprene; Rubber; Thiokol NVT; [ChemIDplus]
Category Plant-Derived Allergens
Description Nearly colorless and transparent in thin layers; [HSDB]
Sources/Uses Uses include pneumatic tires and inner tubes; tubing and hose; rubber footware, inflatable and sectional seals; elastic thread and tape; rubber/metal bonded products; inflatable life-rafts and dinghies; chemically resistant tank linings; conveyor belting; foam cushioning for upholstery and bedding; floor coverings; proofed material for clothing; adhesives and solutions; washers, gaskets, diaphrams; floating bulk liquid containers and hose; tennis, squash and golf balls; [HSDB]
Comments Occupational asthma reported in medical workers and workers manufacturing latex gloves; [Malo] Patients allergic to latex usually have "itching or burning with or without localized contact urticaria when wearing rubber gloves." [Marks, p. 359] Allergic skin reactions to rubber gloves may be either latex sensitivity (contact urticaria) or allergic contact dermatitis from rubber chemicals. Contact urticaria develops within minutes of contact with the latex gloves while allergy to the rubber chemicals is a delayed response. [Marks, p. 293] Both type I and type IV skin reactions may occur after contact with latex rubber. [Asthma in the Workplace, p. 807]
Reference Link OSHA Technical Links: Latex Allergy
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Yes
TLV (ACGIH) 0.0001 mg/m3, inhalable fraction
Adverse Effects
Asthma Yes
Skin Sensitizer Yes
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: NATURAL RUBBER  
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Last updated: September, 2008