Congressman Rodney Alexander
Louisiana's 5th District
Picture of Louisiana
Picture of Louisiana
Picture of Louisiana
Picture of Louisiana


Contact: Adam Terry
(202) 225-8490


WASHINGTON -- U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-Quitman, has announced that funding for the Ouachita/Black River Navigation Project has been increased from $8.5 million to $10.4 million for FY 06.

This news comes as a surprise to North Louisiana, considering the President's Budget was tight on projects with the Army Corps of Engineers.

The Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee confirmed that only an additional $20 million had been available for nationwide projects, and Alexander was able to claim nearly 10 percent of the funding increase for North Louisiana.

"I've made this one of my top priorities since I've been in Congress," Alexander said.

"Last year, the Ouachita/Black project received a crushing blow when funding was cut from $10 million to $1.9 million. This year, $8.5 million was listed in the President's Budget, and I'm proud to announce that the Ouachita/Black will gain close to $2 million extra. Chairman Hobson and his staff have greatly assisted North Louisiana by helping us increase this funding."

Although the final funding number for the project is yet to be determined, Alexander said he feels confident that the Senate will recognize the importance of this project to North Louisiana.

"I know that U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., will do all that he possibly can for this project in the future because of his past efforts," Alexander said.

"Last year, Vitter was instrumental in restoring funding for this project, and I'm thankful for his leadership in the Senate."

Once the Senate passes its Appropriations markups, the bill will then be discussed in conference.

"I know that Paul Revis and John Stringer have both fought tirelessly to see that this project is funded, so that the Vicksburg Corps of Engineers can keep the river navigable," Alexander said.

"So many businesses depend on navigable waters and infrastructure for commerce, and this project has the potential to greatly benefit North Louisiana's economy. I'm confident this funding will remain intact, especially with the support of U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-LA, who sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee."
