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Media Smart Youth: Eat, Think, and Be Active!

Program Materials

What is in a Media-Smart Youth packet?

Everything you need to plan and carry out the Media-Smart Youth program is included in the packet:

  • The Facilitator's Guide outlines the 10-lesson after school program, the Big Production, and a variety of helpful resources.
  • Pre- and post-curriculum optional activities--called Tell Us What You Think and Tell Us What You Think Now--provide your program staff and facilitators the opportunity to learn what the youth know and think about media, nutrition, and physical activity issues before and after participating in the curriculum.

  • The 6 Media Questions Poster teaches youth to ask key questions about media messages.

  • Video/DVD includes segments to supplement the lessons and provides an overview of the program for adult facilitators and youth participants.

Who should get a Media-Smart Youth packet?
The packet is not meant for each participating youth, but is instead for the person who will lead the after-school program. Each program leader needs only one copy of the Media-Smart Youth packet. It contains all the materials you will need to run this exciting and educational program.

How can I get the program packet?
The Media-Smart Youth packet is available for viewing, download, or order from this Web site.

  • You can view and download the entire Facilitator's Guide (PDF 10.76 mb), or just sections of the guide, from the Facilitator's Guide Contents. Please note that some of these files may be large and may take a few minutes to download.

  • You can view and download the 6 Media Questions Poster (PDF 163 kb).

  • You can also order the Media-Smart Youth packet either online or by calling the NICHD Information Resource Center at 1-800-370-2943. Remember that the packet is not for each youth participant, but is for the person who leads the after-school program. If you provide after-school programming at multiple sites and would like more than one packet, please send an e-mail to with your request.

  • You can also view all Media-Smart Youth related items.

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Media Smart Youth: Eat, Think and Be Active!