Laura  R.  Ment , M.D.

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Photo of Dr. Ment   Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine

Dr. Ment is a professor of pediatrics and neurology at Yale School of Medicine and has taught there since 1979. She studies the influence of pre-term birth on the developing brain. Her research interests include bleeding in the brain, a somewhat common occurrence among pre-term babies, and its significant effect on neurodevelopment, neurogenetic disorders, and neonatal and fetal stroke. She is using functional MRI to study and monitor changes in cerebral activity in infants as they develop and mature, with long-term hopes of being able to detect functional differences in the cerebral development of term and very low birth weight preterm infants. Dr. Ment is a noted author and speaker, has received numerous grants and teaching awards, and is the Councilor from the East for the Child Neurology Society. She received her bachelor's degree from Brown University and her medical degree from Tufts University.

Date Last Modified Tuesday, December 05, 2006