Summaries for Nonfiction Juvenile Titles

Suspended Indefinitely


Effective October 20, 2003 the Cataloging in Publication (CIP) program at the Library of Congress will no longer provide summaries for nonfiction juvenile titles. Library of Congress subject headings will continue to be added to the CIP data for these titles. Juvenile titles are cataloged in the same manner as adult titles but also receive additional processing, i.e., they are assigned juvenile subject headings and are provided summaries of their content. Because this work is especially time consuming and because the number of nonfiction juvenile titles submitted to the CIP program substantially exceeds the resources available to catalog them in a timely manner, a significant backlog of this work has accumulated resulting in delays in transmitting CIP data to publishers. In an effort to clear this backlog, summaries for nonfiction juvenile titles will be suspended. In the interim the Cataloging Directorate will seek additional resources and explore alternate strategies for processing this material. The CIP program very much regrets this suspension and the delay that publishers have experienced in obtaining CIP data for juvenile titles.

Questions or concerns regarding the CIP program may be directed to:

John Celli

Chief, Cataloging in Publication Division

email: telephone: (202) 707-9797

October 1, 2003