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Using the Reset Feature
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How is Cataloger's Desktop's Reset Feature Used?

In this Quick Tip, designed and developed by Library Services' Instructional Design and Training Division for Cataloging Distribution Service, you will learn how to use the Reset feature. The lesson will take 2-3 minutes. The Reset feature allows you to access some specialized Cataloger's Desktop functions. You may leave this tutorial at any time by clicking on the Cataloger's Desktop banner at the top of each page.

The Reset feature is accessed from the Reset hyperlink under the Document view tab in the Cataloger's Desktop classic view. When you mouse over the Reset link, a dropdown menu appears.

You may select: Collapse TOC, Use Searchable Resources, Use LC Resources, Use Personal Prefs, or Use Full Site. We will explain how each of these Reset functions works in this tutorial.

Reset link

In the first example, you will learn how to collapse the Table of Contents (or TOC) by selecting Collapse TOC.

In this scenario, we will open the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules by clicking the yellow folder in the TOC pane on the left-hand side of the screen. This will allow us to see the folder's contents.

Click the yellow folder now.

AACR2 Folder

AACR2 Folder


Library of Congress . Cataloging Distribution Service. Telephone 202-707-6120 . FAX 202-707-3959