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Researchers: Neuroscience - Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)

A distinguished group of NIH investigators has joined the Karolinska Instititet (Sweden) faculty to enrich the graduate student experience and research opportunities in this program by developing a series of collaborative research projects between these two research institutions.  Research interests of the Karolinska Institutet faculty members and NIH investigators involved in neuroscience span a wide range of interests, including: imaging, radiochemistry, psychoneuroimmunology, immunology, degenerative diseases, neuropharmacology, mental health, and many other fields.  To date, spring 2002, there are dozens of researchers from both NIH and Karolinska Institutet that have developed and developing collaborative projects for graduate students to review and complete for a dissertation.  Prospective students should refer to the Web sites and for details about specific NIH and Karolinska Institutet researchers, respectively.

Karen Berman (NIMH)
Craig Blackstone (NINDS)
Andres Buonanno (NICHD)
Wayne Drevets (NIMH)
Jeff Duyn (NINDS)
Doug Fields (NICHD)
David Goldstein (NINDS)
Jordan Grafman (NINDS)
Mark Hallett (NINDS)
John Hardy (NIA)
Daniel Hommer (NIAAA)
Robert Innis (NIMH)
Kuni Iwasa (NIDCD)
Steven Jacobson (NINDS)
David Klein (NICHD)
Bai Lu (NICHD)
Eugene Major (NINDS)
Mark Mattson (NIA)
Ron McKay (NINDS)
Kyung-Tai Min (NINDS)
Ward Odenwald (NINDS)
Michael O'Donovan (NINDS)
Victor Pike (NIMH)
Mahendra Rao (NIA)
Judith Rapoport (NIMH)
Katherine Roche (NINDS)
James Russell (NICHD)
David Sibley (NINDS)
Andrew Singleton (NIA)
Kenton Swartz (NINDS)
Judith Walters (NINDS)
Daniel Weinberger (NIMH)
Robert Wenthold (NIDCD)
Doris Wu (NIDCD)