Mental Help Net
Should I Stay or Leave this Marriage or "When Is Enough Enough?"
Posted by Allan N. Schwartz, LCSW, PhD on Jan 16th 2009
Should I Stay or Leave this Marriage or "Still others may decide that the financial strains created by divorce might be too much to tolerate. For others, fears of abandonment, endless and unrealistic hope for reconciliation and willingness to tolerate lots of abuse, may keep them together in an unhappy marriage. But, is there not a time when "enough is enough?" " More...
An Interview with Raul Moncayo, Ph.D. on Lacanian Psychoanalysis
Posted by David Van Nuys, Ph.D. on Jan 15th 2009
An Interview with Raul Moncayo, Ph.D. on Lacanian Psychoanalysis"In this edition of the Wise Counsel Podcast, Dr. Van Nuys interviews Raul Moncayo, Ph.D. on the topic of Lacanian Psychoanalysis, a development of the original Freudian psychoanalysis as reimagined by Jacques Lacan, a French Psychoanalyst writing in the middle of the 20th century. In this interview, Dr. Moncayo describes some of the important theoretical contributions made by Lacan, most of which seem to center on the manner in which identity first develops and differentiates, on the central importance of language to this process, and on the limitation of language as a tool for fully comprehending experience. Lacan's approach and concepts are contrasted with those of the traditional Freudians for clarification purposes. As this interview is difficult to comprehend at points, Dr. Dombeck has done his imperfect best to provide a plain English language translation of what is being talked about." More...
Rising teen anxiety! 4 strategies to help your kid today
Posted by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. on Jan 15th 2009
Rising teen anxiety! 4 strategies to help your kid today"Don't be fooled. Teens and kids who seem to have it all are often lacking in psychological resources to support them in managing stress and being happy in this world. Suniya Luthar, Ph.D. of Columbia University's Teachers College studied rates of anxiety and depression among teens and found that adolescents who grew up in a home whose income was $120,000 or higher experienced higher rates of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse than any other income bracket in America. Why are our kids so stressed and what can you do to help? " More...
The Importance of Recognizing Childhood Successes at School
Posted by Allan N. Schwartz, LCSW, PhD on Jan 14th 2009
The Importance of Recognizing Childhood Successes at School"The problem was that many of these people were talented artists or musicians. Yet, their parents devalued those areas as second rate or unimportant. " More...
Your morning coffee or tea linked to happiness?
Posted by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. on Jan 12th 2009
Your morning coffee or tea linked to happiness? "Millions of people look forward to that hot cup of coffee or tea in the morning. There's something about it that just seems to feel comfortable and even the thought of it may make us feel good. Can it help alleviate stress, anxiety and depression? " More...
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Health News
Common Genes Link Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia
Jan 16th 2009
"Large Swedish study suggests reappraisal of conditions as distinct entities needed." More...
Caring Counseling May Ease Postpartum Depression
Jan 16th 2009
"But more severe bouts may require intensive care, one expert says." More...
Atypical Antipsychotics Linked to Sudden Cardiac Death
Jan 14th 2009
"Current users of atypical antipsychotic drugs have a comparable dose-dependent increased risk of sudden cardiac death as users of typical antipsychotic drugs, according to study findings published in the Jan. 15 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine." More...
Serotonin Transporter Gene Tied to Social Anxiety
Jan 14th 2009
"Finding in monkeys could yield model for studying autism, schizophrenia, team says." More...
Health Tip: Understanding Seasonal Sadness
Jan 14th 2009
"For most who have SAD, winter is the trigger" More...
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Reader Comments
to Dr. Dombeck: (Dioni Miranda) responding to "An Interview with Raul Moncayo, Ph.D. on Lacanian Psychoanalysis"
Suicidal Ruminations: (Carl) responding to "Suicide: Does a Person Have the Right to Take His Own Life?"
boot fetish: (anonymous) responding to "The Problem of Sexual Fetishes and Marriage"
it's hard when your on your own: (Helen) responding to "no one will help!"
for BPD's ex: (anonymous) responding to "The Borderline Personality Disordered Family, Part I"
i cant help it!!!!!: (sophie) responding to "It's Enough to Make You Pull Your Hair Out"
serious problem: (mona) responding to "Go With The Anger Management Program"
abuse sucks: (nick) responding to " Why Do People Abuse?"
U r not alone: (Dawn Marie) responding to "Introduction to Major Depression (and other Unipolar Depressions)"
It's always about her...: (dbw) responding to "Internet Pornography, Harmless Fun?"
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