Searching GenBank  
PubMed Entrez BLAST OMIM Books Taxonomy Structure



Text and Similarity Searching

Entrez Browser
GenBank (nucleotides and proteins), PubMed (MEDLINE), 3D structures, genomes, and PopSet databases. GenBank nucleotide records are found in the divisions CoreNucleotide, dbEST or dbGSS. Entrez queries can search these three databases together or separately.

BLAST Sequence Similarity Searching
Nucleotide or protein query sequences against the specified database using the BLAST suite of algorithms. GenBank nucleotide records are located in separate databases that must be searched independently. These include dbEST and dbGSS, plus multiple databases for the CoreNucleotide division, including nr, htgs, wgs and env_nt. See the BLAST info page for more information about the numerous BLAST databases.

dbEST Searching
dbEST (Database of Expressed Sequence Tags).

dbSTS Searching
dbSTS (Database of Sequence Tagged Sites).

dbGSS Searching
dbGSS (Database of Genome Survey Sequences).

Information about Access to GenBank

Network Client/Server Applications
Network BLAST.

Full release and daily updates of GenBank.

Revised: November 7, 2005.