HAZUS-MH MR3 FAQs: Earthquake Model Hazard/Scenario Definition

How can I model a subduction type of event?

Under the menu Hazard | Scenario | Define a New Scenario, you need to switch to the "Youngs et al. (1995)" attenuation function.  Once you have done this, you will be able to access and modify the parameters for a subduction event.

For additional information, the HAZUS Earthquake Technical Manual, as well as other HAZUS Manuals and guidance materials are available for download from the HAZUS Resources.

Need Additional Help?
Email: HAZUSGenHelp@nibs.org for general questions about HAZUS 
HAZUSQuakeHelp@pbsj.com for Earthquake Model questions

Last Modified: Tuesday, 13-Nov-2007 13:13:42 EST



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