HAZUS-MH MR3 FAQs: Hurricane Model Analysis and Parameters

What is the difference between Surface Roughness or Terrain and Topography?

Surface Roughness or Terrain is related to the average height and density of surface elements such as buildings and trees. Topography is the variation in elevation of the earth's surface without any consideration of vegetation or man-made structures. In HAZUS, surface roughness is modeled for all hurricane study regions, but topographic effects are modeled only for study regions in Hawaii.

For additional information, the HAZUS User's Manuals and guidance materials are available for download from HAZUS Resources on this site.

Need Additional Help?
Email: HAZUSGenHelp@nibs.org for general questions about HAZUS 
HAZUSWindHelp@ara.com for Hurricane Model questions

Last Modified: Thursday, 08-Nov-2007 10:00:59 EST



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