The NIH News in Health
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December 2006
The NIH news in Health  

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, Ph.D., Writer/Editor
National Institutes of Health
Office of Communications
and Public Liaison
Building 31, Room 5B38
Bethesda, MD 20892-2090
(301) 435-7489
Fax: (301) 496-0019

Margaret Georgiann (illustrations), Harrison Wein and other NIH communications staff.

Preventing a Pandemic

Preventing a Pandemic
Preparing for the Next Deadly Flu Outbreak
Researchers are racing to prevent the next deadly flu outbreak. Outbreaks in 1918, 1957 and 1968 killed millions worldwide. No one knows how fatal the next one could be, so researchers are taking as many different approaches as they can to prepare us to fight it if it comes.

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Learn the AIDS Link
Drugs Can Give You More Than a High
Most people know that drug abuse is linked to AIDS. Less understood is why they're linked. The "high" that people get from drugs may alter their judgment and lead them to take risks they normally would not take-including having unprotected sex.

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