Technical Support Guidance Technical support is available by telephone or email. To expedite your inquiry, please follow the steps outlined below before placing a call or sending an email message. Before obtaining technical support: Before you contact technical support, please have the following background information available so the technical support analyst can begin working on your problem immediately. . _ ArcGIS version information (note: this information is summarized in the ArcGIS Desk Administrator, under Start_Programs_ArcGIS_Desktop Administrator) a. o What is the release/build number (for example, ArcGIS 9) b. o What is the service pack number? c. o Is the software licensed (or trial version) . _ HAZUS(r)MH version (release/build number) This information can be found on the packaging or media labels for the software shipped from the FEMA warehouse, or from the HAZUS "Help" drop down menu within the program under Help_About HAZUS. . _ Operating system type (Windows NT/2000/XP/2003; Workstation, Server, Advanced Server, Data Center, etc.), version, and service pack or program temporary fix (PTF). Other Information Information about what led up to the problem may be useful for Technical Support and it is recommended that this be documented at some point prior to contacting Technical Support. Table 1 - at the end of this document - can be used for compiling notes. _ Environment information including: _ Machine type (Pentium II/III/IV, Itanium, Athlon, 32-bit, 64-bit, etc.) This information may be found within the Control Panel under System Properties : _ System hardware configuration (hard disk drive size, amount of free disk space, amount of memory, virtual memory size, network type, etc.) _ List of software installed on the same machine as HAZUS-MH (MS Office, Seagate Crystal Reports, etc.) including type, version, and service pack or PTF _ Sequence of events leading to the problem (outline what happened). This should include commands and options used and messages received (and the time and date that you received them), including: __Product error messages __Messages from the operating system, such as "file system full" __Include screen shots of error messages with email. Screenshots are easily obtained by using Alt_PrintScreen For problems with creating study regions: If problems are related to study region creation, please include the following log files as attachments to your e-mail. These files can be found in the study region folder. __AggregationLog.txt __DTSLog.txt NOTE: This information is available online at Please use the table below to collect the required information. For help via email: If you need technical support and prefer email as your means of communication, submit your questions, including attachments to the following addresses: . _ for Department of Homeland Security, Emergency Preparedness & Response Directorate (FEMA) Mitigation Division questions. . _ to reach the National Institute of Building Sciences with general questions. . _ to reach PBS&J for Earthquake Model questions and questions on installing HAZUS and creating study regions. . _ to reach ABS Consulting for Flood Model questions. . _ to reach Applied Research Associates for Hurricane Model questions. For telephone help: You can obtain technical support during the regular business hours, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. by dialing 1-877-283-8789. However, technical support is provided by persons in various time zones, as follows: . _ for installation and study region creation (Eastern Time Zone) . _ for Flood Model support from ABS Consulting (Pacific Time Zone) . _ for Earthquake Model support from PBS&J (Eastern Time Zone) . _ for Hurricane Model support from ARA (Eastern Time Zone) Table1. Technical Support Problem Report Details Comments 1. ArcGIS Version (Version/Release/Build# and Service Pack) 2. HAZUS(r)MHVersion 3. Operating System (Service Pack) 4. Processor Information 5. Other Software Description of Error (Steps leading to the error, error messages etc.): Screen Shots (include below):