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National Institutes of Health

NAMHC September 2006 Open Policy Session

Photo of Doctors Thomas Insel, NIMH Director, and Richard Nakamura, NIMH Deputy Director

Dr. Thomas Insel, NIMH Director (left), chairs the 213th Council Open
Policy Session, while Dr. Richard Nakamura, NIMH Deputy Director
(right), observes the discussion.

Photo of Doctors John March, A. John Rush, Gary Sachs, and Jeffrey Lieberman, clinical trial presenters

The clinical trial presenters at the session (left to right): Drs. John March (to present on TADS), A. John Rush (STAR*D), Gary Sachs (STEP-BD), and Jeffrey Lieberman (CATIE)

Photo of Doctors Insel and former NIMH Director Steven Hyman, exchange comments with two of the clinical trial presenters-Drs. Gary Sachs and Jeffrey Lieberman

Dr. Insel and former NIMH Director Dr. Steven Hyman (right) exchange comments with two of the clinical trial presenters at the session — Drs. Gary Sachs and Jeffrey Lieberman.

Photo of Council member Doctor Susan Essock

Council member Dr. Susan Essock discusses strategies to optimize NIMH's investment in large clinical trials.

Photo of Miss Renata Henry welcoming Doctor Junius Gonzales, former NIMH Acting Director of the Division of Services and Intervention Research

Council member Ms. Renata Henry, a discussant on the importance of the clinical trial findings for public providers, welcomes Dr. Junius Gonzales (left), former NIMH Acting Director of the Division of Services and Intervention Research, to the Council session.

Photo of Council members Doctors Norwood Knight-Richardson and Helena Kraemer

Council members Drs. Norwood Knight-Richardson (left) and Helena Kraemer (right) participate in Council discussions.