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Form Hints:
  • Note that some fields may have both a and a appearing to the right of, or directly below, the pick list. Use the pick list if you can. If your information isn't on the list, you may simply type it in the text box. The text box should be used instead of, not in addition to, the pick list.

  • Note that some sections of the form may have hyperlinks to examples which you can use as a guide.

  • Some fields will scroll to accomodate more text. Use the arrow keys to scroll right and left.

  • In certain fields, you can pick multiple items from a list. In order to make multiple selections using a Windows-equipped PC, press the Ctrl key while making selections. On a Macintosh, use the Apple key.

  • Do not type in all capital letters.

  • This form accepts plain text inputs only. This means that special characters and formatting such as bullets, "smart quotes," bold or italic fonts, Greek letters, etc., will be lost or altered. To ensure your application appears as you intend it to, compose your inputs to the longer fields on this form using a plain text editor (e.g., Notepad, for PC users, or TextEdit, for Mac users). In place of special formatting, you will need to rely on the use of capital letters, white space, asterisks, and other standard keyboard characters.

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