National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute
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National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet
Fact Sheets: Prevention

Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention: Fact Sheet 1
(Reviewed: 07/28/2004) - Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.23

Breast Cancer Prevention Studies 2
(Reviewed: 07/23/2008) - A fact sheet about three clinical trials studying methods of preventing breast cancer. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.18

Calcium and Cancer Prevention: Strengths and Limits of the Evidence 3
(Reviewed: 05/04/2009) - A fact sheet that summarizes the results of studies on calcium and cancer prevention. It includes information about dietary recommendations for calcium, and the amount of calcium in foods and calcium supplements. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.28

Cancer Vaccines 4
(Reviewed: 03/17/2009) - A fact sheet about cancer vaccines, which are intended either to treat existing cancers (therapeutic vaccines) or to prevent the development of cancer (prophylactic vaccines). Fact Sheet 7.56

COX-2 Inhibitors and Cancer 5
(Reviewed: 08/30/2006) - In the Adenoma Prevention with Celecoxib (APC) Trial of more than 2,000 men and women age 30 and older, those on celecoxib were found to have 33 percent to 45 percent fewer new adenomas than those taking a placebo, however those on celecoxib had almost twice the risk of a major cardiovascular event as people on placebo. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.30

Garlic and Cancer Prevention: Questions and Answers 6
(Reviewed: 01/22/2008) - A fact sheet that summarizes the results of studies on the consumption of garlic for cancer prevention. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.22

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines: Questions and Answers 7
(Reviewed: 09/12/2007) - A fact sheet about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines for the prevention of infection with certain types of HPV, which is the major cause of cervical cancer. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.21

I–131 and Radioactive Fallout 8
(Reviewed: 12/11/2002) - Radioactive fallout refers to a variety of airborne radioactive particles that fall to the ground during and following aboveground nuclear weapons tests. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 3.86

Physical Activity and Cancer 9
(Reviewed: 07/22/2009) - A fact sheet about research on the role of physical activity in reducing cancer risk. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.24.

Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) 10
(Reviewed: 05/18/2008) - In the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT), 25 percent fewer men taking the drug finasteride developed prostate cancer than men not taking the drug. However, men who developed prostate cancer while taking finasteride were more likely to have high-grade cancers, which can spread quickly even if the tumors are small. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.8

Red Wine and Cancer Prevention: Fact Sheet 11
(Posted: 11/27/2002) - Red wine is a rich source of biologically active phytochemicals, chemicals found in plants. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.25

Statins and Cancer Prevention: Fact Sheet 12
(Posted: 06/02/2005) - Animal research and ongoing observation of people who take statins suggests that these drugs may lower the risk of certain cancers, including colorectal and skin cancers. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.26

Tea and Cancer Prevention: Fact Sheet 13
(Posted: 12/06/2002) - Tea drinking is an ancient tradition dating back 5,000 years in China and India. Long regarded in those cultures as an aid to good health, researchers now are studying tea for possible use in the prevention and treatment of a variety of cancers. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 4.27

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