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Authors: Wideroff L, Vadaparampil ST, Greene MH, Taplin S, Olson L, Freedman AN
Title: Hereditary breast/ovarian and colorectal cancer genetics knowledge in a national sample of US physicians
Type: Journal Article
Date: 2005 Oct
Journal: J Med Genet 42(10):749-55
Topic(s): Monitoring Risk Factors;   Genetics & Molecular Markers
Tumor Site(s):
Data Source/Project/Initiative(s): Physician Survey on Cancer Susceptibility Testing
Keywords: Adult;   Aged;   Breast;   Breast Neoplasms;   Colorectal Neoplasms;   Communication;   Family;   Female;   Genetic Predisposition to Disease;   genetics;   Guidelines;   Health Knowledge,Attitudes,Practice;   Humans;   Male;   methods;   Middle Aged;   Multivariate Analysis;   Mutation;   Ovarian Neoplasms;   Physicians;   Practice Guidelines;   Research;   Risk
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Authors: Vadaparampil ST, Wideroff L, Olson L, Viswanath K, Freedman AN
Title: Physician exposure to and attitudes toward advertisements for genetic tests for inherited cancer susceptibility
Type: Journal Article
Date: 2005 May 15
Journal: Am J Med Genet A 135(1):41-6
Topic(s): Methods for Assessing Risk Factors;   Genetics & Molecular Markers
Tumor Site(s):
Data Source/Project/Initiative(s): Physician Survey on Cancer Susceptibility Testing
Keywords: Advertising;   American Medical Association;   analysis;   Attitude;   Decision Making;   diagnosis;   education;   Genetic Predisposition to Disease;   Genetic Screening;   genetics;   Guidelines;   Humans;   Logistic Models;   Marketing;   Middle Aged;   Multivariate Analysis;   Neoplasms;   Physician's Practice Patterns;   Physicians;   psychology;   Questionnaires;   Research;   Role;   Specialties,Medical;   statistics & numerical data;   United States
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Authors: Freedman AN, Wideroff L, Olson L, Davis W, Klabunde C, Srinath KP, Reeve BB, Croyle RT, Ballard-Barbash R
Title: US physicians' attitudes toward genetic testing for cancer susceptibility
Type: Journal Article
Date: 2003 Jul 1
Journal: Am J Med Genet A 120(1):63-71
Topic(s): Preventive & Screening Services;   Guidance & Policy Research;   Prevention
Tumor Site(s): Breast;   Colorectal
Data Source/Project/Initiative(s): Provider Surveys;   Physician Survey on Cancer Susceptibility Testing
Keywords: Attitude of Health Personnel;   diagnosis;   Genetic Predisposition to Disease;   Genetic Screening;   genetics;   Humans;   Mass Screening;   Multivariate Analysis;   Neoplasms;   Odds Ratio;   Physician's Practice Patterns;   Physician's Role;   Physicians;   Questionnaires;   Regression Analysis;   Research;   Uncertainty;   United States
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Authors: Wideroff L, Freedman AN, Olson L, Klabunde CN, Davis W, Srinath KP, Croyle RT, Ballard-Barbash R
Title: Physician use of genetic testing for cancer susceptibility: results of a national survey
Type: Journal Article
Date: 2003 Apr
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 12(4):295-303
Topic(s): Prevention
Tumor Site(s): Breast;   Colorectal
Data Source/Project/Initiative(s): Provider Surveys;   Physician Survey on Cancer Susceptibility Testing
Keywords: Adult;   Advertising;   Aged;   Communication;   Counseling;   diagnosis;   education;   epidemiology;   Female;   Genetic Counseling;   Genetic Predisposition to Disease;   Genetic Screening;   genetics;   Humans;   Internet;   Male;   Maryland;   Middle Aged;   Multicenter Studies;   Multivariate Analysis;   Mutation;   Neoplasms;   Patients;   Physician's Practice Patterns;   Physicians;   Prevalence;   Professional Practice Location;   Questionnaires;   Risk;   Risk Assessment;   Specialties,Medical;   statistics & numerical data;   United States;   utilization
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