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MODS Archives – July 2008

  1. Chris Dietrich is out of the office.

  2. Fwd: Re: [MODS] uniform titles in mods

  3. Generating MODS samples

  4. LCSH rules and MODS <geographic>

  5. Locally created thesauri for subject and/or genre (MARC or MODS)

  6. MARC to MODS 3.2 XSLT * Revision 1 .17

  7. MODS to MARC 3.2 XSLT * Revision 1 .17

  8. MODS vs MARCXML: practical experience sought

  9. mods:cartography/mods:coordinates

  10. nesting relatedItem type="constituent" for parts of parts

  11. schema use of xsd:sequence to define children of the cartographics element

  12. The MODS Implementation Registry

  13. uniform titles in mods

  14. working with TeamSite
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