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Paclitaxel Plus Carboplatin With or Without Topotecan in Treating Patients With Stage IIB, Stage III, or Stage IV Ovarian Epithelial Cancer
This study is ongoing, but not recruiting participants.
Sponsored by: AGO Ovarian Cancer Study Group
Information provided by: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00006454

RATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy use different ways to stop tumor cells from dividing so they stop growing or die. Combining more than one drug may kill more tumor cells. It is not yet known if paclitaxel plus carboplatin is more effective with or without topotecan for ovarian epithelial cancer.

PURPOSE: Randomized phase III trial to compare the effectiveness of paclitaxel plus carboplatin with or without topotecan in treating patients who have stage IIB, stage III, or stage IV ovarian epithelial cancer.

Condition Intervention Phase
Fallopian Tube Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Drug: carboplatin
Drug: paclitaxel
Drug: topotecan hydrochloride
Phase III

MedlinePlus related topics: Cancer Ovarian Cancer
Drug Information available for: Carboplatin Paclitaxel Topotecan hydrochloride Topotecan
U.S. FDA Resources
Study Type: Interventional
Study Design: Treatment, Randomized
Official Title: Phase III Multicenter Study in Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma FIGO Stage IIB-IV Comparing Treatment With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin to Paclitaxel and Carboplatin Sequentially Followed by Topotecan

Further study details as provided by National Cancer Institute (NCI):

Study Start Date: December 1999
Detailed Description:

OBJECTIVES: I. Compare survival of patients with stage IIB, III, or IV ovarian epithelial carcinoma after receiving treatment with paclitaxel and carboplatin with or without topotecan. II. Compare progression-free survival of these patients after receiving these treatment regimens. III. Compare the response rate and response duration in these patients treated with these regimens. IV. Determine the toxic effects of the combination of paclitaxel, carboplatin, and topotecan in these patients. V. Compare the toxic effects of these treatment regimens in these patients. VI. Compare quality of life of these patients treated with these regimens.

OUTLINE: This is a randomized, multicenter study. Patients are stratified according to participating center and stage (stage IIB and stage III optimally debulked to no greater than 1 cm residual tumor vs stage IV regardless of residual tumor or residual tumor greater than 1 cm). Patients are randomized to one of two treatment arms. Arm I: Patients receive paclitaxel IV over 3 hours and carboplatin IV over 0.5-1 hour on day 1 and topotecan IV over 0.5 hour on days 1-5. Treatment repeats every 21 days for 6 courses (topotecan is administered for 4 courses only). Arm II: Patients receive paclitaxel and carboplatin as in arm I. Treatment repeats every 21 days for 6 courses. Quality of life is assessed before courses 1, 3, and 5 and at 3 weeks and 3 months after completion of treatment in both treatment arms; before courses 1 and 3 of topotecan in arm I; and at 6 months after completion of treatment in arm II. Patients are followed every 3 months for 2 years, every 6 months for 3 years, and then annually thereafter.

PROJECTED ACCRUAL: A total of 914 patients (457 per treatment arm) will be accrued for this study over 2 years.


Ages Eligible for Study:   18 Years and older
Genders Eligible for Study:   Female
Accepts Healthy Volunteers:   No

DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Histologically confirmed stage IIB, III, or IV ovarian epithelial carcinoma, fallopian tube, or extraovarian papillary serous carcinoma extending to the ovary No mixed epithelial/non-epithelial tumors (e.g., mixed Mullerian tumors) No tumors of low malignant potential (e.g., borderline tumors) No symptomatic brain metastases

PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS: Age: 18 and over Performance status: ECOG 0-2 OR Karnofsky 70-100% Life expectancy: More than 12 weeks Hematopoietic: Absolute neutrophil count at least 1,500/mm3 Platelet count at least 100,000/mm3 Hepatic: Bilirubin no greater than 1.5 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) Alkaline phosphatase no greater than 3 times ULN Renal: Creatinine no greater than 1.25 times ULN Estimated glomerular filtration rate at least 60 mL/min Cardiovascular: No history of congestive heart failure (even if medically controlled) No New York Heart Association class III or IV heart disease No myocardial infarction within the past 6 months No history of atrial or ventricular arrhythmias Other: No motor or sensory neurologic pathology or symptoms greater than grade 1 No active infection or other serious medical condition that would preclude study No prior allergy to drug containing Cremophor EL No dementia or significantly altered mental state that would preclude informed consent No complete bowel obstruction No other prior malignancy except curatively treated nonmelanomatous skin cancer or carcinoma in situ of the cervix Not pregnant or nursing Fertile patients must use effective contraception

PRIOR CONCURRENT THERAPY: Biologic therapy: No concurrent immunotherapy No concurrent WBC transfusions Chemotherapy: No prior chemotherapy No other concurrent chemotherapy Endocrine therapy: No concurrent hormonal therapy Radiotherapy: No prior radiotherapy No concurrent radiotherapy Surgery: No more than 6 weeks since prior definitive laparotomy and recovered Other: No other concurrent antineoplastic agents No other concurrent investigational drugs

  Contacts and Locations
Please refer to this study by its ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00006454

Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel
Kiel, Germany, D-24105
Dr. Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken
Wiesbaden, Germany, D-65199
Evangelisches Krankenhaus
Dusseldorf, Germany, DOH-4-0217
Frauenklinik der MHH
Hannover, Germany, 30659
Klinik der Otto-v.-Guericke-Universitat
Magdeburg, Germany, 39108
Klinik Fuer Innere Medizin Hematology/Oncology, Ernst Moritz Armdt Universitaet
Greifswald, Germany, D-17487
Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Kinderheilkunde
Muenster, Germany, D-48129
Klinikum der J.W. Goethe Universitaet
Frankfurt, Germany, D-60590
Klinikum Grosshadern
Munich, Germany, D-81377
Bremen, Germany, D-28205
Medizinische Klinik I
Dresden, Germany, D-01307
Stadtische Kliniken Frankfurt-Hochst
Frankfurt, Germany, DOH-6-5929
Universitaetsklinik Duesseldorf
Duesseldorf, Germany, D-40225
Universitaetsklinik Goettingen
Gottingen, Germany, D-37075
Universitaetskliniken Bonn
Bonn, Germany, D-53105
Universitaetsklinikum Charite
Berlin, Germany, D-10117
Universitaetsklinikum Tuebingen
Tuebingen, Germany, D-72076
Vincentius Krankenhaus
Karlsruhe, Germany, D-76137
Klinikum Rechts Der Isar/Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Munich, Germany, D-81675
Sponsors and Collaborators
AGO Ovarian Cancer Study Group
Study Chair: Jacobus Pfisterer, MD University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein - Kiel Campus
  More Information

Clinical trial summary from the National Cancer Institute's PDQ® database  This link exits the ClinicalTrials.gov site

Publications of Results:
Pfisterer J, Weber B, Reuss A, Kimmig R, du Bois A, Wagner U, Bourgeois H, Meier W, Costa S, Blohmer JU, Lortholary A, Olbricht S, Stahle A, Jackisch C, Hardy-Bessard AC, Mobus V, Quaas J, Richter B, Schroder W, Geay JF, Luck HJ, Kuhn W, Meden H, Nitz U, Pujade-Lauraine E; AGO-OVAR; GINECO. Randomized phase III trial of topotecan following carboplatin and paclitaxel in first-line treatment of advanced ovarian cancer: a gynecologic cancer intergroup trial of the AGO-OVAR and GINECO. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2006 Aug 2;98(15):1036-45.
Pfisterer J, Lortholary A, Kimmig R, et al.: Paclitaxel/carboplatin (TC) vs. paclitaxel/carboplatin followed by topotecan (TC-Top) in first-line treatment of ovarian cancer FIGO stages IIb - IV. Interim results of a gynecologic cancer intergroup phase III trial of the AGO Ovarian Cancer Study Group and GINECO. [Abstract] Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 22: A-1793, 446, 2003.

Study ID Numbers: CDR0000067994, AGOSG-OVAR-7, NCI-V00-1602
Study First Received: November 6, 2000
Last Updated: July 23, 2008
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00006454  
Health Authority: United States: Federal Government

Keywords provided by National Cancer Institute (NCI):
stage II ovarian epithelial cancer
stage III ovarian epithelial cancer
stage IV ovarian epithelial cancer
fallopian tube cancer

Study placed in the following topic categories:
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian Neoplasms
Gonadal Disorders
Genital Neoplasms, Female
Endocrine System Diseases
Urogenital Neoplasms
Ovarian Diseases
Ovarian epithelial cancer
Fallopian Tube Neoplasms
Fallopian Tube Diseases
Genital Diseases, Female
Fallopian tube cancer
Endocrine Gland Neoplasms

Additional relevant MeSH terms:
Neoplasms by Site
Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action
Antineoplastic Agents
Therapeutic Uses
Mitosis Modulators
Tubulin Modulators
Enzyme Inhibitors
Antimitotic Agents
Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic
Pharmacologic Actions
Adnexal Diseases

ClinicalTrials.gov processed this record on January 16, 2009