Eugene Chamber to Showcase Disaster Resistant Business Toolkit For Pacific NW 

Release Date: June 22, 2000
Release Number: R10-00-56

» 2000 Region X News Releases

EUGENE, Ore. -- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Regional Director David L. de Courcy will discuss disaster preparedness and damage prevention partnerships Friday, June 23, 2000 at the Eugene Chamber of Commerce Greeter's Breakfast at the Ramada Inn, 225 Coburg Road. According to de Courcy, it's not enough for a business to survive a disaster - if the community fails to recover, or the local economy suffers significant setbacks. "Project Impact: Building Disaster Resistant Communities, is a national initiative designed to change the way America deals with disasters," said de Courcy. "You can't change Mother Nature, but you CAN change Human Nature. We've put together a unique 'Disaster Resistant Business Toolkit,' to help businesses educate and protect employees, families and the supporting community from the worst effects of natural disasters."

The morning meeting begins with a 7:30 a.m. continental breakfast. The presentation and discussions run 8:00-9:00 a.m. For more information and to reserve tickets, call (541) 484-1314.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 18-Nov-2003 10:05:53