Last Update: 09/15/2006 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Diseases and Disorders Related to Women's Health and Selected Treatments

Through research on topics related to the health of children, adults, families, and populations, the NICHD strives to understand health processes to protect and maintain the health of all people.

Women have some unique health needs. They are affected by a wide variety of conditions and diseases that do not affect men. For conditions that strike both men and women, the effects in women may be very different from the effects in men. In addition, the issue of fertility, and of protecting and maintaining that fertility in light of various conditions adds another facet to understanding women's health.

The NICHD's research efforts in women's health focus on understanding these conditions and their affects on women. The Institute also develops and evaluates different treatments for these conditions, with a woman's unique health needs in mind.

Some of the Institute's efforts and accomplishments in this research area are listed below.