NUCMC / OCLC Manuscripts Easy Search Form (word list)

(Access via the LC WWW/Z39.50 Gateway provided as a service of the Library of Congress)

"Word list" searches (using this form) will look for words in titles, notes, and subject fields.

Enter Search Term(s):

Do not "bookmark" this search form, for an explanation see Text provided on soft reference.

Search the OCLC Participating Institutions List
This list may be helpful in determining the location of the manuscript materials described. Make a note of the 3-character symbol in the 040$a subfield in the "tagged display", enter that symbol in the box labelled "OCLC Symbol" in the linked search form, and then submit the search.

Search the MARC Code List for Organizations
This list may be helpful in determining the location of manuscript materials located in non-OCLC participating institutions. Make a note of the symbol in the 040$a subfield in the "tagged display", click on the linked search form, select Organization Code search, enter the symbol in the search form, and submit the search.

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