Attachment 1

Conflict Assessment for Proposed Official Duty Activities

Below are examples of organizations with which you might have an official duty activity. These examples are illustrative and not exhaustive. Before you engage in an official duty activity with one of the entities listed below, or a similarly situated entity, ask yourself whether you have a personal outside interest or relationship with the organization. Listed below each organization are examples of such interests or relationships that would trigger a consultation with your Deputy Ethics Counselor (DEC). You must discuss and resolve any conflicts before participating in the official duty activity.

Proposed Official Duty Activity with Industry (e.g., through a collaboration, Material Transfer Agreement or CRADA). Consult with your DEC if you have a personal outside interest or relationship such as:

Proposed Official Duty Activity with a Grantee, Charitable or Similar Institution (e.g., through a collaboration, advisory board membership or peer review activity). Consult with your DEC if you have a personal outside interest or relationship such as:

Proposed Official Duty Activity with a Publisher or Journal (e.g., through an editorial position). Consult with your DEC if you have a personal outside interest or relationship such as:

Proposed Official Duty Activity with a Contractor (e.g., through assignment as the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative). Consult with your DEC if you have a personal outside interest or relationship such as:

Proposed Official Duty Activity with a Professional Organization (e.g., through participation in organization's annual meeting). Consult with your DEC if you have a personal outside interest or relationship such as: