Sample Format 7 for New (Type 1), Competing Renewal (Type 2) or Supplemental (Type 3) MBRS SCORE Applications

Face Page for Investigator-Initiated Research Project

Grant Number: S06 GM _________(provide only if a competing renewal or supplement):


1. Descriptive Title: (56 characters or less, including spaces)


2.Investigator(s): Last Name, First, M.I., Degree, Department


Type of Project:

Research Project _______   Pilot Research Project __________

New project : _______ Revised Application: _____ Competing renewal :______

If revision, Previous Submission Date: ___________

If completing renewal, Duration of prior support: _____ Years.

Level of support: $_______ avg./per year excluding equipment.

Number of FTE researchers: ______ per year

Is progress report included? Yes____ No____

If previously supported by another NIH Institute or other federal agency:

Grant(s) number(s): ________________, Period of support: _____________.

Level of support: $__________________________ avg. per year.

Number of research workers engaged on the project per year______________.


4. Protection against Research Risks:

A. Will human subjects be involved? Yes:____ No:_____

If “yes” is Research Exempt? Yes:____ No:______ If “yes” Exemption Number:

B. Will vertebrate animals be used? Yes: ____ No:______

If “yes, list the species_____________ and estimate the number to be used per year.

C. Are there potential hazards (including biohazards) to laboratory workers (carcinogens, pathogens, ionizing radiation, etc.) involved in the proposed research?

Yes:_____ No: ______ 

If yes, identify these below and address safety considerations in the text:






Signature (PI) _______________________