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Fact Sheets: Support/Coping/Resources

Advance Directives
(Reviewed: 03/07/2000) - A fact sheet that explains informed consent and end-of-life issues during advanced or terminal disease. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 8.12

End-of-Life Care: Questions and Answers
(Reviewed: 10/30/2002) - This fact sheet answers some of the questions that many patients, their family members, and caregivers have about the end of life. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 8.15

Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People With Cancer
(Reviewed: 02/28/2008) - A fact sheet that lists organizations that can help patients and their families with financial assistance during treatment. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 8.3

Home Care for Cancer Patients
(Reviewed: 03/30/2007) - A fact sheet about the various services provided by home care agencies and financial assistance available from government, public, and private agencies. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 8.5

(Reviewed: 04/18/2006) - A fact sheet about organizations that provide hospice care; it also discusses insurance coverage. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 8.6

How To Find Resources in Your Own Community If You Have Cancer
(Reviewed: 08/05/2005) - A fact sheet that discusses the types of help that are available to people with cancer and where to find these services. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 8.9

Marijuana Use in Supportive Care for Cancer Patients
(Reviewed: 12/12/2000) - A fact sheet about marijuana used to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and cachexia in cancer patients. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 8.4

More Choices in Cancer Care: Information for Beneficiaries on Medicare Coverage of Cancer Clinical Trials
(Reviewed: 02/15/2006) - A fact sheet about Medicare coverage of clinical trials for cancer treatment; it includes resources for more information about clinical trials and Medicare benefits. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 8.14

National Organizations That Offer Services to People With Cancer and Their Families
Organizations that provide cancer patients and their families with financial and emotional support, advocacy, and information may be found by searching this database.

NCI's Patient Navigator Research Program: Fact Sheet
(Posted: 04/15/2005) - NCI is addressing unequal patterns of access to standard care by conducting a NCI-sponsored Patient Navigation Research Program at multiple sites.

The Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study: Fact Sheet
(Posted: 10/05/2000, Updated: 09/14/2004) - The Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study was initiated in 1994 by researchers at NCI to look at the impact that treatments for primary prostate cancer have on the quality of life of patients.

Understanding Prognosis and Cancer Statistics: Questions and Answers
(Reviewed: 03/07/2008) - A fact sheet about the importance of predicting disease outcome and recovery, and how statistics are used to estimate prognosis. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 8.2

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health