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Found 33 studies with search of:   (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (stress) [CONDITION]

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1 Recruiting Comparison of Two Behavioral Treatments for Stress Reduction
Condition: Stress
Interventions: Behavioral: RR;   Behavioral: MBSR
2 Recruiting Effects of Reiki on Stress
Condition: Stress
Interventions: Other: Rest;   Other: Reiki;   Other: Sham;   Other: Reiki
3 Completed Acupuncture for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Condition: Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic
Interventions: Procedure: Acupuncture;   Behavioral: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
4 Recruiting Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Hot Flashes
Conditions: Hot Flashes;   Stress
Intervention: Behavioral: Mindfulness-based stress reduction
5 Completed Body-Oriented Therapy for Sexual Abuse Recovery
Conditions: Child Abuse, Sexual;   Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder;   Dissociation
Interventions: Behavioral: Body-Oriented Therapy;   Behavioral: Standardized Massage Therapy
6 Completed Efficacy of Healing Touch in Stressed Neonates
Condition: Stress
Intervention: Behavioral: Healing Touch
7 Recruiting Expressive Writing for Reducing Stress and Diabetic Symptoms in Diabetes Patients
Conditions: Diabetes Mellitus;   Stress;   Depression
Interventions: Behavioral: Expressive writing;   Behavioral: Neutral writing
8 Recruiting Academic Stress and Proinflammatory Cytokines: Omega-3 Intervention
Condition: Stress-Related Changes in Inflammation
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: omega-3 supplementation;   Dietary Supplement: Oral omega-3 fish oil placebo
9 Recruiting Sleep-Directed Hypnosis As A Complement To Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) In Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Condition: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Interventions: Behavioral: Cognitive Processing Therapy;   Behavioral: Hypnosis
10 Recruiting Web-Based Survey of Pain, Stress and Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Conditions: Gastrointestinal Diseases;   Chronic Pain;   Stress;   Anxiety;   Depression
11 Not yet recruiting Mechanistic Pathways of Mindfulness Meditation in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Condition: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
Interventions: Behavioral: Slow Breathing;   Behavioral: Meditation;   Behavioral: Meditation and slow breathing;   Behavioral: Sitting Quietly
12 Completed Polarity Therapy for American Indian Caregivers of Dementia Patients
Conditions: Stress;   Depression;   Anxiety
Intervention: Procedure: Polarity therapy
13 Completed The Effects of Smell on Mood and Physical Responses
Conditions: Stress;   Anxiety;   Depression
Intervention: Behavioral: Exposure to relaxant and stimulant odors
14 Recruiting Effects of Massage on the Immune System of Preterm Infants
Conditions: Premature Birth;   Stress
Interventions: Other: massage therapy;   Other: Sham
15 Recruiting The Balance Study Balancing Life and Reducing Stress For Those Providing Elder Care
Conditions: Dementia;   Caregivers;   Stress
Interventions: Behavioral: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction;   Behavioral: Caregiver Education and Social Support
16 Recruiting Efficacy of Acupuncture in Treating Urinary Incontinence
Conditions: Urinary Incontinence;   Stress Urinary Incontinence
Intervention: Procedure: Acupuncture
17 Recruiting Effect of Tai Chi Vs. Structured Exercise on Physical Fitness and Stress in Cancer Survivors
Conditions: Cancer;   Cancer Survivor
Intervention: Procedure: Tai Chi Chuan
18 Active, not recruiting A Mindfulness Based Approach to HIV Treatment Side Effects
Condition: HIV Infections
Intervention: Behavioral: Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
19 Completed Meditation-Based Stress Reduction in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Condition: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Interventions: Behavioral: stress reduction program;   Behavioral: meditation
20 Completed Fish Oil and Alpha Lipoic Acid in Treating Alzheimer's Disease
Conditions: Alzheimer's Disease;   Oxidative Stress;   Dementia;   Hyperlipidemia;   Inflammation
Interventions: Drug: Fish oil;   Drug: Alpha lipoic acid
21 Recruiting Mind/Body Medicine and IBD Flare-Up
Condition: Ulcerative Colitis
Intervention: Behavioral: Mind/Body Course
22 Completed Curb, Alter, Lower, or Manage Stress in HIV: CALMS-HIV
Condition: HIV Infections
Intervention: Behavioral: Mantram Repetition
23 Recruiting Neuroendocrine Mechanisms in Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia
Condition: Insomnia
Interventions: Behavioral: mind body treatment;   Behavioral: desensitization
24 Active, not recruiting Staying Well: A Clinical Trial of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Education Groups for HIV
Condition: HIV
Interventions: Behavioral: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR);   Behavioral: HIV-education and self-management workshop
25 Completed Effects of Anticipation of Pain Relief on Brain Mechanisms
Condition: Pain
Interventions: Drug: Hypertonic saline;   Drug: Isotonic saline
26 Recruiting Yoga, Immune Function, and Health
Condition: Immune Function
Interventions: Behavioral: Yoga;   Other: Gentle movement and educational video
27 Active, not recruiting Craving and Lifestyle Management Through Mindfulness Pilot Study
Condition: Obesity
Intervention: Behavioral: Craving and Lifestyle Management through Mindfulness(CALMM+)
28 Recruiting Dietary Treatment of Crohn's Disease
Conditions: Crohn's Disease;   Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: Time and attention + fructooligosaccharide placebo;   Dietary Supplement: dietary therapy + fructooligosaccharide placebo;   Dietary Supplement: Time and attention + active fructooligosaccharide supplementation
29 Completed Study of the Effects of Vitamin C on Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Conditions: Diabetes Mellitus, Non-Insulin Dependent;   Non-Insulin Dependent
Intervention: Drug: Acetylcholine
30 Completed The Effects of Music Therapy-Based Stress Reduction on Bone Marrow Transplant Recipients
Conditions: Bone Marrow Transplantation;   Stem Cell Transplantation
Intervention: Behavioral: Music therapy-based relaxation/stress reduction
31 Completed Acupuncture to Reduce Symptoms of Advanced Colorectal Cancer
Condition: Colorectal Neoplasms
Intervention: Procedure: Acupuncture
32 Completed Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy for Cancer Patients
Condition: Cancer
Intervention: Behavioral: Mindfulness-based at therapy
33 Completed Alternative Stress Management Approaches in HIV Disease
Condition: HIV Infections
Interventions: Behavioral: Cognitive-behavioral relaxation (Positively Living);   Behavioral: Spiritual growth group;   Behavioral: Focused Tai Chi

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