NIH Telephone & Services Directory

Telecom Information and Topics

  Location Phone TTY Fax
Division of Extramural Activities (NINR-DEA)
Acting Assistant Director Mary E. Kerr 31/5B05 301-594-5963 301-480-8260
Office of Extramural Programs (NINR-DEA-OEP)
Chief Yvonne Bryan 1DEM/710 301-594-6908 301-480-8260
Program Director, Cardiopulmonary Health and Critical Care Karen Huss 1DEM/710 301-594-5970 301-480-8260
Program Director, Neuroscience Kathy Mann Koepke 1DEM/710 301-496-9623 301-480-8260
Program Director, HIV/AIDS and Oncology Kathleen Jett 1DEM/710 301-594-2164 301-480-8260
Program Director, Reproductive, Child and Family Health Promotion Yvonne Bryan 1DEM/710 301-594-6908 301-480-8260
Program Director, End of Life and Long Term Care Josephine Boyington 1DEM/710 301-496-9601 301-480-8260
Program Director, Health Behavior and Minority Health Paul Cotton 1DEM/710 301-402-6423 301-480-8260
Program Director, Chronic Conditions and Infectious Disease VACANT /
Office of Grants and Contracts Management (NINR-DEA-OGCM)
Chief Brian Albertini 1DEM/710 301-594-6869 301-451-5648
Grants Management Specialist Kelli Oster 1DEM/710 301-594-2177 301-451-5651
Grants Management Specialist Lawrence Haller 1DEM/710 301-402-1878
Grants Management Specialist Robert Wertz 1DEM/710 301-594-2807 301-480-8260
Office of Review (NINR-DEA-OR)
Chief Yujing Liu 1DEM/710 301-451-5152 301-480-8260
updated on. August 2, 2007
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