Topic: Kidney and Urologic Diseases (KU)
Title: Urodynamically Defined Stress Urinary Incontinence and Bladder Outlet Obstruction Coexist in Women.
Author: Bradley, C.S.; Rovner, E.S.
Source: Journal of Urology. 171(2): 757-761. February 2004.
Abstract: The definition and significance of female bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) are poorly understood. This study identified patients with urodynamic evidence of BOO in a cohort of women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Of 104 eligible subjects, 19 (18.3 percent) had BOO. Maximum flow rate, mean flow rate, and voided volume were significantly less in the BOO group than in the unobstructed group. Detrusor pressure at maximum flow, maximum detrusor pressure, and post-void residual volume were significantly greater in the BOO group than in the unobstructed group. Etiologies (causes) of BOO identified in the 19 subjects included prior anti-incontinence or prolapse surgery in 6 patients, neurological conditions in 4 patients, cystocele in 2 patients, dysfunctional voiding in 3 patients, and idiopathic (unknown) in 5 patients. The authors conclude that SUI and BOO can coexist even in the absence of common causes of obstruction. Appended to the article are two commentaries. 2 tables. 12 references.

Format: Journal Article
Language: English.
Major Keywords: Urologic Diseases. Stress Incontinence. Urinary Incontinence. Urodynamics. Obstructive Uropathy. Bladder.
Minor Keywords: Bladder Detrusor. Female. Diagnostic Tests. Diagnosis. Etiology. Risk Factors. Postoperative Complications. Neurological Diseases. Urination Disorders.
Publication Number: KUJA11024
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