NIH Telephone & Services Directory

Telecom Information and Topics

  Location Phone TTY Fax
Audiovisual Program Development Branch (NLM-LHNCBC-APDB)
Chief James S. Main 38A/B2N35 301-496-5721 301-496-7493
Cognitive Science Branch (NLM-LHNCBC-CgSB)
Acting Chief Clement J. McDonald 38A/7N707 301-496-4411 301-402-0118
Communications Engineering Branch (NLM-LHNCBC-CEB)
Chief George R. Thoma 38A/10S1004 301-496-4496 301-402-0341
Computer Science Branch (NLM-LHNCBC-ComSB)
Chief Lawrence C. Kingsland III 38A/9S904 301-496-9300 301-496-0673
Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications (NLM-LHNCBC)
Director Clement J. McDonald 38A/7N707 301-496-4441 301-402-0118
Deputy Director VACANT 38A/7N711 301-402-0118
Administrative Officer Peggy Slovikosky 38A/7S708 301-435-3155 301-402-0118
Administrative Officer, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications Celina Wood 38A/7S710 301-435-3144 301-402-0118
Assistant Director, Program Development Aaron B. Navarro 38A/7S704 301-435-3154 301-402-0118
Assistant Director, Computing Resources Howard Lu 38A/7S720 301-451-6024 301-402-0118
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications (NLM-LHNCBC-OHPCC)
Head Michael J. Ackerman 38A/B1N30D 301-402-4100 301-402-4080
updated on. August 2, 2007
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