NIH Telephone & Services Directory

Telecom Information and Topics

  Location Phone TTY Fax
Clinical Applications and Prevention Branch (NHLBI-DPPS-CAPB)
Branch Chief Lawrence Fine RKL 2/10018 301-435-0377 301-480-1773
Deputy Branch Chief Peter Kaufmann RKL 2/10018 301-435-0377 301-480-1773
Division of Prevention and Population Sciences (NHLBI-DPPS)
Director Michael Lauer RKL 2/10018 301-435-0422 301-480-1864
Deputy Director Diane Bild RKL 2/10018 301-435-0422 301-480-1864
Senior Scientific Advisor Denise Simons-Morton RKL 2/10018 301-435-0384 301-480-1864
Administrative Officer Stacey Long RKL 2/8095 301-435-6373 301-480-7322
Adminstrative Officer Roy Rich RKL 2/8095 301-435-6373 301-480-7322
Epidemiology Branch (NHLBI-DPPS-EB)
Branch Chief Paul Sorlie RKL 2/10018 301-435-0707 301-480-1455
Deputy Branch Chief Jean Olson RKL 2/10018 301-435-0707 301-480-1455
Deputy Branch Chief Richard Fabsitz RKL 2/10018 301-435-0707 301-480-1455
Senior Advisor to the Branch Chief Phyliss Sholinsky RKL 2/10018 301-435-0707 301-480-1455
Office of Biostatistics of Research (NHLBI-DPPS-OBR)
Director Nancy Geller RKL 2/9202 301-435-0434 301-480-1862
Deputy Director Myron Waclawiw RKL 2/9216 301-435-0434 301-480-1862
Women’s Health Initiative Branch (NHLBI-DPPS-WHI)
Director Elizabeth Nabel 31/5A48 301-496-5166 301-402-0818
Chief Jacques Rossouw RKL 2/10018 301-402-2900 301-480-5158
Deputy Chief Shari Eason-Ludlam RKL 2/10018 301-402-2900 301-480-5158
updated on. August 2, 2007
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