Therapist Professional Advisory Committee

Associate Recruiter Program


In response to the growing need for health professionals nationwide and in the Commissioned Corps, the Associate Recruiter Program (ARP) was re-established in 2001. The mission of the ARP is to recruit qualified health professionals, engineers, and IT professionals for all Public Health Service agencies and other affiliated Federal programs as opportunities avail themselves to fill vacancies with commissioned corps officers. The USPHS Commissioned Corps Associate Recruiter Program is a volunteer program and individuals are not required to be a part of the program to recruit. However, official enrollment in the ARP allows recruiting efforts to be recognized by the Corps.

The Office of Commissioned Corps Operations, Division of Commissioned Corps Recruitment, coordinates the Associate Recruiter Program. Each professional category's Professional Advisory Committee and Chief Professional Officer appoint commissioned officers to act as the category leads for the ARP. The category leads work with the Division of Commissioned Corps Recruitment to administer and manage the program and coordinate commissioned corps recruitment activities in their respective categories.

Associate Recruiters inform colleagues and students about professional opportunities in the Commissioned Corps. Drawing on their career experiences in the Corps, Associate Recruiters make recruitment presentations augmented by printed and/or video materials on professional opportunities in the commissioned corps. Examples of recruiting opportunities include attending national or regional professional meetings and visiting professional schools. A recruiter must meet currency guidelines for the program in order to maintain active status. Each AR is required to complete two recruiting activites per year to maintain position. Activity Report forms are available at Please fax forms to Cyndia Harroway at 240-453-6127 and to CDR Mark Melanson at 202-645-8733.

Officers interested in applying for the Associate Recruiter Program need to complete an ARP enrollment form, three references (one supervisor, two co-worker references),and a certificate from the Introductory Training to the Division of Commissioned Corps Recruitment. (The training is best viewed as a Power Point presentation to allow access to the internet links. If you do not have access to Power Point, the training also is included as a pdf file, but most links will not activate in this mode.) All materials can also be found at:

Please fax materials to Ms. Cyndia Harroway at 240-453-6127. They may also mail their application package to DCCR, attention Cyndia Harroway, 1101 Wootton Parkway, Plaza Level, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20852. Once the application is received an email will be sent to the officer and category leads acknowledging receipt and providing a status update. Applicants are cleared by the Office of Commissioned Corps Operations for adverse actions and then forwarded to the category leads for approval. Once an officer is approved by the category leads, a letter of approval and certificate is signed by the category Chief Professional Officer and mailed with recruitment materials and a recruitment badge to the new Associate Recruiter.

Recruitment materials and table-top displays are available from the Division of Commissioned Corps Recruitment. Officers must request recruitment materials through their category leads. DCCR will no longer accept individual officer requests. Officers must also request use of the table-top displays through their category leads. Please contact the category leads at least one month in advance for the table-top displays and at least one and one-half months in advance for recruitment materials. The category leads will coordinate your request through the DCCR.


Category leads
LCDR Mark Melanson
phone: (202) 645-4953
LCDR Alicia Souvignier
phone: (505) 368-7105


OCCO Contacts
CDR Stephen Blackwell, Senior Recruitment Specialist
Division of Commissioned Corps Recruitment
phone: 240-453-6057
Ms. Cyndia Harroway
Office of Commissioned Corps Operations
Attn: Division of Commissioned Corps Recruitment
1101 Wootton Parkway, Plaza Level, Suite 100
Rockville, MD 20852
phone: 240-453-6061
fax: 240-453-6127


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Last updated November 2007