Radiation Therapy Audio Transcript

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What Women Can Do About Changes in Sexuality and Fertility

What women can do about changes in sexuality and fertility caused by radiation therapy.

You may be wondering if radiation therapy could affect your sex life. Let’s listen to a discussion between Dr. Williams and women in a support group as they talk first about sexuality issues that relate to all women getting radiation therapy. And then to questions from women receiving radiation therapy to the pelvic area - such as to the vagina, uterus, or ovaries - about fertility issues. Let’s listen in on their discussion.

Dr. Williams, I’m Gina. My husband and I had a pretty active sex life before I started treatment. Now, I’m just not in the mood. Is this normal?

Dr. Williams:
Yes it is, Gina. You’re going through a lot these days. Coping with cancer, feeling very tired, or being in pain can lower sexual desires. Try to be easy on yourself. It can help to talk with your husband about what you’re feeling. There are many ways to stay close during this time other than having sex. Holding, hugging, and cuddling are ways that help many people stay connected.

That’s true, Dr. Williams. My partner and I sit side by side when we watch TV. And sometimes we give each other backrubs. My question is about whether or not I need to use birth control during radiation therapy.

Dr. Williams:
Yes, women who’ve not yet gone through menopause and who are having intercourse should talk with their doctor about birth control and ways to keep from getting pregnant.

It’s very important not to get pregnant during radiation therapy. The treatment can harm an unborn baby.

Dr. Williams, I am getting radiation to my pelvis, and it’s causing some changes in my vagina. It feels dry and itchy, and, frankly, sex hurts.

Dr. Williams:
I’m sorry to hear that. This is a common side effect for women getting radiation to the pelvis. Many women are helped by products such as Replens, Astroglide, or K-Y liquid. These products help make the vagina moist. Your doctor may also suggest a gel or cream to stop an itchy, dry, or burning feeling.

In some cases, something called a dilator can also help. It stretches the vagina. Talk with your nurse to learn more about this product.

Dr. Williams, before I got cancer my husband and I were ready to start a family. Now I’m not so sure if that’s going to be possible. What can we do?

Dr. Williams:
Cara, I’m glad you asked about that. First, it’s good to know that there are more fertility options these days than there used to be. It’s best to talk with your doctor before treatment starts if you’ll be receiving radiation therapy to the pelvis and would like to get pregnant after radiation therapy.

Your doctor can talk with you about things you can do now to plan for the future or refer you to a fertility specialist.

Any more questions?

Well, okay—it’s been a pleasure to talk with all of you. I’ll be staying around to answer any individual questions that you may have.

Narrator Summary:
Remember—you may have less desire for sex during radiation therapy. Talk with your partner to find new ways to show affection and feel connected.

If you are having sex, make sure to use birth control since radiation therapy can harm an unborn baby.

And for women getting radiation to the pelvis there are 2 suggestions:

First, ask your nurse about products that can help make the vagina feel more comfortable or stretch the vagina.

Second, talk with your doctor before treatment if you are interested in having children after treatment. There are things you can do now to plan for the future.

Finally, be sure to talk with your health care team to learn more about how to manage and prepare for any changes in sexuality and fertility that may happen.

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