NIH Telephone & Services Directory

Telecom Information and Topics

  Location Phone TTY Fax
Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center (NIAID-VRC)
Director Gary J. Nabel M.D., Ph.D. 40/4502 301-496-1852
Deputy Director John R. Mascola M.D. 40/5512 301-594-8490
Associate Director for Management Operations Abe Mittleman 40/1120 301-594-8493
Laboratory of Animal Medicine (NIAID-VRC-LAM)
Chief Srinivas S. Rao Ph.D., D.V.M. 40/1407 301-594-8465
Laboratory of Clinical Trials (NIAID-VRC-LCT)
Chief Barney S. Graham M.D., Ph.D. 40/2502 301-594-8468
Laboratory of Core BSL-3 Virology (NIAID-VRC-LCBV)
Deputy Director John Mascola M.D. 40/5512 301-496-1852
Laboratory of Core Flow Cytometry (NIAID-VRC-LCFC)
Chief, ImmunoTechnology Section Mario Roederer Ph.D. 40/5509 301-594-8491
Laboratory of Core Immunology (NIAID-VRC-LCI)
Manager Robert Bailer Ph.D. 40/3510 301-594-8481
Laboratory of Core Vector (NIAID-VRC-LCV)
Director Gary J. Nabel M.D., Ph.D. 40/4502 301-594-1852
Laboratory of Immunology (NIAID-VRC-LI)
Chief Richard Koup M.D. 40 /3502 301-594-8585
Laboratory of Structual Virology (NIAID-VRC-LSV)
Chief Richard Wyatt Ph.D. 40/4512 301-594-8690
Laboratory of Vaccine Production (NIAID-VRC-LVPr)
Chief Phillip Gomez III Ph.D. 40/5502 301-594-8485
Laboratory of Viral Pathogenesis (NIAID-VRC-LVPa)
Chief Barney Graham M.D. 40/2502 301-594-8468
Laboratory of Virology (NIAID-VRC-LV)
Chief Gary J. Nabel M.D., M.P.H. 40/4502 301-496-1852
updated on. August 2, 2007
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