NIH Telephone & Services Directory

Telecom Information and Topics

  Location Phone TTY Fax
Administrative Resource Center (NCI-DCEG-ARC)
Manager Donna Siegle EPS/8086 301-496-1282 301-496-9146
Deputy Manager Larry Chloupek EPS/8088 301-594-3992 301-496-9146
Administrative Officer Denise Stoneman EPS/8080 301-496-6558 301-496-9146
Administrative Officer Kelli Langley EPS/8054 301-594-7510 301-496-9146
Administrative Officer Charlotte Mercanti EPS/8082 301-594-7200 301-496-9146
Administrative Officer Linda Littlejohn EPS/8056 301-594-7208 301-496-9146
Administrative Officer Linda Ross EPS/8052 301-594-7513 301-496-9416
Biostatistics Branch (NCI-DCEG-EBP-BB)
Chief Mitchell Gail EPS/8032 301-496-4156 301-402-0081
Assistant to the Chief Linda Morris Brown EPS/8026 301-594-7157 301-402-0081
Clinical Genetics Branch (NCI-DCEG-HGP-CGB)
Chief Mark H. Greene EPS/7032 301-594-7641 301-496-1854
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (NCI-DCEG)
Director Joseph F. Fraumeni Jr. EPS/8070 301-496-1611 301-402-3256
Deputy Director Shelia Zahm EPS/8074 301-496-1611 301-402-3256
Special Assistant for Biological Resources Jim Vaught EPS/7012 301-594-7647 301-402-3256
Assistant for Special Projects Samantha Nhan EPS/8061 301-594-7161 301-402-3256
Scientific Program Specialist Catherine McClave EPS/8062 301-496-6271 301-402-3256
Communications Coordinator Betsy Duane EPS/8064 301-594-5944 301-402-3256
Communications Coordinator VACANT /
Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program (NCI-DCEG-EBP)
Director Robert N. Hoover EPS/8094 301-496-3004 301-402-2623
Deputy Director Patricia Hartge EPS/8090 301-496-7887 301-402-2623
Genetic Epidemiology Branch (NCI-DCEG-HGP-GEB)
Chief Margaret A. Tucker EPS/7122 301-496-4375 301-402-4489
Hormonal and Reproductive Epidemiology Branch (NCI-DCEG-EBP-HREB)
Chief Louise A. Brinton EPS/5018 301-496-1691 301-402-0916
Human Genetics Program (NCI-DCEG-HGP)
Director Margaret A. Tucker EPS/7122 301-496-4375 301-402-4489
Nutritional Epidemiology Branch (NCI-DCEG-EBP-NEB)
Chief Arthur Schatzkin EPS/7032 301-594-2931 301-496-6829
Deputy Chief Rashmi Sinha EPS/3046 301-496-6426 301-496-6829
Occupational Environmental & Epidemiology Branch (NCI-DCEG-EBP-OEEB)
Chief VACANT EPS/8118 301-496-9093
Assistant to the Chief Joanne Colt EPS/8118 301-435-4704 301-402-1819
Office of Division Operations and Analysis (NCI-DCEG-ODOA)
Chief Marianne Henderson EPS/8060 301-496-1611 301-402-3256
Office of Education (NCI-DCEG-OE)
Chief Demetrius Albanes EPS/3044 301-594-2869 301-402-3256
Radiation Epidemiology Branch (NCI-DCEG-EBP-REB)
Chief Martha Linet EPS/7054 301-496-6600 301-402-0207
Chornobyl Research Unit Maureen Hatch EPS/7947 301-496-5067 301-402-0207
Viral Epidemiology Branch (NCI-DCEG-EBP-VEB)
Chief James J. Goedert EPS/7066 301-496-8115 301-402-0817
updated on. August 2, 2007
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