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  FAS curriculum - Better safe than sorry
  Research Information
  Intramural Research
  DICBR Graphics Gallery
  MRIs Show Adolesent-Adult Differences in Reward Anticipation
  The Ketone Bodies on TCA Cycle Intermediates
  Changes of Flux Control CoEfficients in Glycolysis
  Performance examples of a control subject and an alcoholic patient on the go/no-go ta...
  Role of NFkB and p44/42 pathways in lipopolysaccharide-induced increase of anandamide...
  Alcoholic male subject's PET image is pseudocolored to show areas of increased and de...
  Cirrhotic macrophages elicit CB1-mediated hypotension
  Ketone Bodies and Insulin Increase the Efficiency of Mitochondria Energy Production
  Topography of ERP response to tactile stimulus at approximately 50 ms after stimulus ...
  Echo planar magnetic resonance images (fMRI)
  Effects of selective attention on exogenous ERPs elicited by stimuli in three sensory...
  Endocannabinoids acting at vascular CB1 receptors mediate the vasodilated state in ad...
  The Effect of Insulin and Ketone Bodies on the Glycolytic Intermediate in the Heart
  Bimodal action of ethanol on HUVEC. AT, adenosine transporter; A1 R, adenosine A1 rec...
  Comparison of two female subjects who had volumetric MRIs created in a GE 1.5 Tesla M...
  CB1 antagonist reverses hypotension in cirrhotic rats
  About DICBR
  Administrative Management Branch
  Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience (LIN)
  LIN - Section of Synaptic Pharmacology (SP)
  LIN - Section on In Vivo Neural Function (IVNF)
  Section on Behavioral Science and Genetics (BSG)
  LIN - Section on Neuronal Structure
  David Lovinger
  LIN - Section on In Viro Neural Function (IVNF)
  LIN - Section of Synaptic Pharmacology (SP)
  LIN - Office of the Chief
  Laboratory for Neuroimaging (LNI)
  Laboratory of Clinical and Translational Studies (LCTS)
  LCTS - Section of Brain Electrophysiology and Imaging (BEI)
  LCTS - Section of Clinical Assessment and Treatment Evaluation (CATE)
  LCTS - Section of Molecular Pathophysiology (MP)
  LCTS - Unit on Human Physiology and Pharmacokinetics (HPP)
  Dan Rio
  LCTS - Office of the Chief
  Dan Hommer
  Laboratory of Epidemiology and Biometry (LEB)
  Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics (LMBB)
  LMBB - Section of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
  LMBB - Section of Nutritional Neuroscience (NN)
  LMBB - Unit of Molecular Biology (MB)
  Section of Fluorescence Studies
  LMBB - Unit of Metabolic Control
  Norman Salem
  Drake Mitchell
  LMBB - Office of the Chief
  Laboratory of Metabolic Control
  Metabolic Control Analysis
  LMC-Section on Protein Chemistry, Enzymology, and Molecular Biology (PCEMB)
  LMC-Section on Physiological Biochemistry (PB)
  Laboratory of Molecular Physiology (LMP)
  Section on Model Synaptic Systems (MSS)
  Fumihito Ono
  LMP - Section on Model Synaptic Systems (MSS) - (Formerly "Section on Synaptic Physio...
  LMP - Section on Cellular Biophotonics (CBP)
  LMP - Office of the Chief
  Stephen Ikeda
  LMP - Section on Transmitter Signaling (TS)
  Steven S. Vogel
  Laboratory of Molecular Signaling (LMS)
  Laboratory of Neurogenetics (LNG)
  Robert Lipsky
  LNG - Office of the Chief
  LNG - Section of Human Neurogenetics (HN)
  LNG - Section of Molecular Neurobiology (MN)
  LNG - Section of Molecular Genetics (MG)
  LNG - Section on Population Genetics and Linkage (SPGL)
  Phillip J. Brooks
  Laboratory of Physiologic Studies (LPS)
  LPS - Section on Neuroendocrinology (NE)
  LPS - Office of the Chief (LB)
  LPS - Section on Oxidative Stress Tissue Injury (OSTI)
  LPS - Section on Liver Biology (LB)
  Office of Information Technology
  Office of the Scientific Director
  Unit of Laboratory Animal Science
  Welcome Message from the Scientific Director of Intramural Research
  Research and Training Opportunities
  Participation in Clinical Studies
  Research Resources
  Principal Investigators
  Extramural Research
  Research Programs for Small Businesses
  NIAAA Areas of Interest - SBIR/STTR
  NIAAA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grant Program
  NIAAA Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant Program
  NIAAA-Funded Collaborative Research Programs
  Gene Array Technology Center (GATC) for Alcohol Research
  Collaborative Studies on Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA)
  Distribution Agreement
  Human "Brain Bank" Tissue for Alcohol Research
  Center for Inherited Disease Research
  Research and Development (R&D) Contracts
  Requests for Applications
  Supplemental Instructions for Preparing an Alcohol Research Center Grant Application ...
  Further Information in Response to Inquiries on the Education Component Within the Co...
  NIAAA Research Areas
  Alcohol and HIV/AIDS
  Alcohol and AIDS: A Guide to Research Issues and Opportunities
  Alcohol: A Priority for HIV/AIDS Research
  Alcohol and AIDS Research Program Coordinator
  NIAAA Resources for Applicants & Grantees
  MERIT Award (R37) Procedural Guidelines--NIAAA
  Terrorism and Bioterrorism Related Research Opportunities
  Certificates of Confidentiality Kiosk
  NIAAA Advanced Research Program
  Structural Interventions, Alcohol Use, and Risk of HIV/AIDS (R03 and R21)
  NIAAA Guidelines for Data and Safety Monitoring Plans
  Secondary Analysis of Existing Alcohol Epidemiology Data (R03 and R21)
  Certificates of Confidentiality (NIAAA-Specific): Protecting the Identity of Research...
  Mechanisms of Alcohol-Induced Tissue Injury (R21)
  NIAAA Advanced Research Program
  Mechanisms of Alcoholic Pancreatitis (21)
  Mechanisms of Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver (Steatosis) (R21)
  Applications Requesting $500,000 or more in Direct Costs
  Submission and Peer Review
  Appeals of Scientific Peer Review
  Applications Requesting $500,000 or More in Direct Costs
  Special Emphasis Panels (ZAA1)
  Schedule of Scientific Review Group Meetings
  NIAAA Scientific Review Group Rosters
  NIAAA Board of Scientific Counselors
  NIAAA Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Portfolio
  Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Research Portfolio for Biomedical ...
  Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Research Portfolio for Prevention...
  Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Research Portfolio for Neuroscienc...
  Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Research Portfolio for Genetics - ...
  Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Research Portfolio for Treatment, ...
  Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Research Portfolio for Epidemiolog...
  Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Research Portfolio for Fetal Alcoh...
  Extramural Science Advisory Subcommittee on FAS - Recommendations on Areas of Additio...
  Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research Strategic Planning Document
  NIAAA-Funded Alcohol Research Centers
  NIAAA FY2008 Financial Management Plan
  NIAAA Institutional Research Training Programs
  Further Information in Response to Inquiries on the Education Component within the Co...
  NIAAA Contacts for Training and Career Awards
  NIAAA Small Grant (R03) Program and Exploratory/Developmental Grant (R21) Program
  NIH Loan Repayment Programs
  NIAAA Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (K-23)
  NIAAA Division/Office Contacts and Application Requirements
  Supplemental Information-NIAAA Institutional National Research Service Awards (T32)
  Post-Doctorate Postion in France: The endocannabinoid system in inflammatory liver di...
  Post-Doctorate Position in France: Coupling and uncoupling of monoaminergic systems a...
  Post Doctoral Position in France: Role of the integrated stress response in alcoholic...
  Post-Doctorate Position in France: Long term evolution of alcohol drinking and tobacc...
  Post-Doctoral Position in France: Neuropsychology and brain imaging in adolescents at...
  Post-Doctoral Positions in France
  Database Resources / Statistical Tables
  Data/Statistical Tables
  Percentage of adults who reported current drinking by state and gender, BRFSS, 1984–2...
  Percentage of adults who reported binge drinking by state and gender, BRFSS, 1984–200...
  Percentage of adults who reported drinking and driving* by state and gender, BRFSS, 1...
  Percentage of adults who reported heavy drinking by state and gender, BRFSS, 1984–200...
  Percentage of adults who reported current drinking by state and gender, BRFSS, 1984–2...
  Percentage of adults who reported binge drinking by state and gender, BRFSS, 1984–200...
  Alcohol Consumption
  Percent who drink beverage alcohol, by gender, 1939–2008.
  Percent distribution of heavy drinking days (5+ drinks/day) for males 18 years of age...
  Percent distribution of the drinking levels of females 18 years of age and older acco...
  Trends in the prevalence of alcohol use among high school seniors: Monitoring the Fut...
  Trends in the prevalence of reporting as having been drunk among eighth graders: Moni...
  Percent distribution of heavy drinking days (5+ drinks/day) for females 18 years of a...
  Trends in the prevalence of alcohol use among tenth graders: Monitoring the Future St...
  Percent distribution of current drinking status, drinking levels, and heavy drinking ...
  Trends in the prevalence of reporting as having been drunk among twelfth graders: Mon...
  Trends in the prevalence of reporting as having been drunk among tenth graders: Monit...
  Percent distribution of the drinking levels of males 18 years of age and older accord...
  Trends in the prevalence of alcohol use among eighth graders: Monitoring the Future S...
  Drinking status* (in percents) of men and women by selected demographics: NHIS, 1990.
  Percent reporting alcohol use in the past year by age group and demographic character...
  Distribution of Mexican-American, Cuban-American, and Puerto Rican drinking levels by...
  Percent reporting alcohol use in lifetime by age group and demographic characteristic...
  Alcohol consumption levels of persons 18 years of age and over, according to sex, Uni...
  Percent distribution of usual drinking level in the past year among current drinkers ...
  Percent reporting alcohol use in the past month by age group and demographic characte...
  Alcohol consumption levels by sex, age, and education: NHIS, 1987 and 1992.
  Distribution of drinking levels of white non-Hispanics and black non-Hispanics by age...
  Drinking status* (in percents) of men and women by selected demographics: NHIS, 1985.
  Percent distribution of usual drinking level in the past year among current drinkers ...
  Distribution of drinking levels of white non-Hispanics and black non-Hispanics by age...
  Percent reporting heavy alcohol use[6] in the past month by age group and demographic...
  Percent distribution of days of alcohol use in past month by demographic characterist...
  Alcohol Dependence
  Trends in the 12-month prevalence of DSM-IV alcohol dependence by age, sex, and race-...
  Twelve-month prevalence and population estimates of DSM-IV alcohol dependence by age,...
  Trends in the 12-month prevalence of DSM-IV alcohol abuse by age, sex, and race-ethni...
  Twelve-month prevalence and population estimates of DSM-IV alcohol abuse by age, sex,...
  Alcohol Sales
  Per capita and per drinker ethanol consumption for selected States, 1986-99. (Based o...
  Volume beverage and ethanol consumption for States, census regions, and the United St...
  Per capita ethanol consumption for States, census regions, and the United States, 197...
  Apparent per capita ethanol consumption for the United States, 1850–2005. (Gallons of...
  Economic Data
  Updated cost estimates for 1992 and inflation- and population-adjusted costs of alcoh...
  Costs to society of alcohol abuse, other drug abuse, and mental illness, United State...
  Economic costs to society of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, United States, 1983
  Economic costs of alcohol and drug abuse in the United States, 1992 (in millions of d...
  Estimated economic costs of alcohol abuse, 1985 and 1990
  Estimated economic costs of alcohol abuse in the United States, 1992 and 1998[a]
  Hospital Discharges
  Rate of all-listed alcohol-related diagnoses for U.S. population aged 15 years and ol...
  Number of all-listed alcohol-related diagnoses for U.S. population aged 15 years and ...
  Number of first-listed alcohol-related diagnoses for U.S. population aged 15 years an...
  Rate of first-listed alcohol-related diagnoses for U.S. population aged 15 years and ...
  Average length of stay (in days) for first-listed alcohol-related diagnoses by sex an...
  Five-year annual moving average of age-specific death rates, and age-adjusted death r...
  Age-specific number of deaths from liver cirrhosis with and without mention of alcoho...
  Age-adjusted death rates* per 100,000 population of liver cirrhosis reported with and...
  Age-specific number of deaths from all liver cirrhosis by Hispanic subgroup and sex, ...
  Five-year annual moving average of age-specific death rates, and age-adjusted death r...
  Age-adjusted death rates* of liver cirrhosis by sex: death registration States, 1910–...
  Age-specific number of deaths from all cirrhosis by race, Hispanic origin, and sex, U...
  Age-specific and age-adjusted death rates* for all cirrhosis by race, Hispanic origin...
  Age-specific number of deaths for cirrhosis with and without mention of alcohol, Unit...
  Age-specific and age-adjusted death rates* for cirrhosis with and without mention of ...
  Age-adjusted death rates* per 100,000 population of liver cirrhosis reported with and...
  Mental and Physical Health
  Rate per 1,000 population of selected DSM-IV psychiatric disorders, [1] by sex, accor...
  Rate per 1,000 population of selected past-year health conditions, by sex, according ...
  Rate per 1,000 population of selected DSM-IV psychiatric disorders, [1] by sex, accor...
  Rate per 1,000 population of selected DSM-IV psychiatric disorders [1], by sex, accor...
  Rate per 1,000 population of selected DSM-IV psychiatric disorders,[1] by sex, accord...
  Rate per 1,000 population of selected past-year health conditions, by sex, according ...
  Rate per 1,000 population of selected past-year health conditions, by sex, according ...
  Rate per 1,000 population of selected past-year health conditions, by sex, according ...
  Rate per 100,000 population of selected past-year health conditions by sex according ...
  Rate per 100,000 population of selected past year health conditions by sex according ...
  Knowledge of health risks of heavy drinking[1] and fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), wome...
  Number of deaths and age-adjusted death rates[1] per 100,000 population for categorie...
  Traffic Crashes
  Alcohol-related traffic fatalities according to age groups, United States, 1982–2004.
  Decedent's role in alcohol-related traffic crash fatalities, United States, 1982–2004...
  Percentage* distributions of BACs** among alcohol–involved drivers, according to sex ...
  Years of potential life lost (YPLL) from total and alcohol-related traffic crashes ac...
  Drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes and given BAC tests, according to State and...
  Total and alcohol-related traffic fatality rates per 100 million VMT,* 100,000 popula...
  Traffic crashes, traffic crash fatalities, and alcohol-related traffic crash fataliti...
  Driver's alcohol involvement* in fatal traffic crashes, according to sex and age, Uni...
  Alcohol involvement (AI)* among young drivers under age 21 and drivers ages 21 and ol...
  Percentage of students at alternative high schools who rode with a driver who had bee...
  YRBS: Prevalence of binge drinking in the past 30 days, by grade and sex, United Stat...
  NSDUH: Mean frequency of drinking in the past 30 days, by age, sex, and race/Hispanic...
  NSDUH: Mean age at first use of alcohol, by age, sex, and race/Hispanic origin, among...
  NSDUH: Prevalence of binge drinking in the past 30 days, by age, sex, and race/Hispan...
  YRBS: Prevalence of drinking in the past 30 days, by grade and sex, United States, 19...
  NSDUH: Average total number of drinks in the past 30 days, by age, sex, and race/Hisp...
  NSDUH: Mean quantity of drinking on drinking days in the past 30 days, by age, sex, a...
  NSDUH: Prevalence of drinking in the past 30 days, by age, sex, and race/Hispanic ori...
  NSDUH: Prevalence of driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol in the pa...
  Percentage of students who at least had one drink of alcohol on 1 or more of the past...
  Percentage of college students who rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol, ...
  Percentage of students who had their first drink of alcohol other than a few sips bef...
  Percentage of students who during the past 30 days drove a vehicle 1 or more times wh...
  Percentage of students who had 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row on 1 or more of t...
  Percentage of students who during the past 30 days rode 1 or more times in a vehicle ...
  COMBINE Data Set
  Expert Panel for the Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS)
  Graphics Gallery
  Cardiovascular System
  A heart in dilated cardiomyopathy
  Intracellular Binding Sides
  The heart's electrical system
  Diagram of the cardiovascular system
  Diagram of the heart
  Myosin and actin protein molecules contained in muscles
  Digestive Tract
  Anatomy of the upper aero-digestive tract
  Endocrine/Reproductive System
  Proposed action of IGF-1 in females as puberty approaches
  Lengthwise view of the rat brain
  Schematic representation of the possible influence of b-endorphin (b-EP) on dopamine ...
  Alcohol blocks the ability of IGF-1 to induce the release of LH in prepubertal female...
  Schematic representation of the HPA, HPG, and HPT axes
  Location of the components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
  Percent distribution of (first–listed) diagnoses among discharges with principal (fir...
  Prevalence of drinking in the past 30 days among 12–20 year olds, by sex and race/His...
  Trends in percent of discharges with principal (first–listed) or any (all–listed) men...
  Percentage of alcohol involvement among drivers in fatal traffic crashes, according t...
  Prevalence of underage drinking in the past 30 days, by sex, 1999–2005.
  Prevalence of driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol in the past 12 m...
  Decedent’s role in nonalcohol–related traffic crash fatalities, United States, 2004
  Per capita ethanol consumption by beverage type, United States, 1977–2005.
  Decedent’s role in alcohol–related traffic crash fatalities, United States, 2004
  Average annual deaths per 100,000 population from causes with explicit mention of alc...
  Average total number of drinks in the past 30 days among 12–20 year olds, by sex and ...
  Trends in percent distribution of principal (first–listed) diagnoses among discharges...
  Percentage of alcohol involvement among young drivers ages 16 to 20 and drivers 21 an...
  Age-adjusted death rates of liver cirrhosis by sex (death registration States, 1910-1...
  Percent change in per capita ethanol consumption, United States, 1977–2005.
  Mean age at first use of alcohol among 12–20 year olds, by sex and race/Hispanic orig...
  Total and alcohol–related traffic fatality rates per 100 million vehicle miles travel...
  Total per capita ethanol consumption, United States, 1935–2005.
  Prevalence of underage binge drinking, by sex, 1991–2005.
  Total per capita consumption in gallons of ethanol by State, United States, 2005.
  Percent distribution of principal (first–listed) diagnoses among discharges with any ...
  Age-adjusted death rates of liver cirrhosis by sex and race, United States, 1970-2004
  Age-specific death rates of liver cirrhosis, United States, 1970-2004
  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  Reported incidence rate of fetal alcohol syndrome, by year of birth, from the Birth D...
  Areas of the brain that can be damaged in utero by maternal alcohol consumption
  Craniofacial features associated with fetal alcohol syndrome
  Embryonic development of the nervous system
  Strategy for generating conventional knockout mice
  Regulation of gene expression through promoters and transcription factors
  Influences on offspring phenotype in an intact nuclear family compared to influences ...
  Outline of the subtractive RNA hybridization process
  The conversion of genetic information into protein without and with antisense RNA tre...
  The hormone cortisol was measured in both family history-positive (FHP)and family his...
  Immune System
  Three stages of carcinogenesis
  Outcome of two types of treatment for pneumonia in alcohol-treated animals
  Ketone Bodies and Insulin Increase the Efficiency of Mitochondria Energy Production
  Alcoholic Liver Disease
  Harmful Byproducts Resulting from Alcohol Metabolism
  Effect of Insulin and Ketone Bodies on the Glycolytic Intermediate in the Heart
  Changes in Flux Control CoEfficients in Glycolysis
  Structure of the liver's lobules
  Varices—A complication of alcoholic liver disease
  Model showing the link between endotoxin release and liver injury
  Structural changes of cells undergoing necrosis or apoptosis
  Pericentral fibrosis in alcoholic liver disease
  Cells of the hepatic sinusoid
  Ketone Bodies on TCA Cycle Intermediates
  Progression of liver injury in alcoholic fibrosis
  Interactive effects of alcohol and nicotine on dopamine release in the rat brain
  Schematic drawing of a synapse between two neurons
  Schematic representation of the two most common subtypes of nAChRs
  Neurotransmitters with discrete localization within the brain
  Schematic drawing of the γ-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABAA) ligandgated ion channel...
  Parts of the brain involved in alcohol/nocotine dependence and psychiatric disorders
  Brain activity during alcohol intoxication
  Schematic drawing of a neuron showing dendrites, where neurons receive chemical input...
  Schematic drawing of a ligand-gated ion channel (left) showing the confluence of indi...
  Cells from patient with hepatic encephalopathy
  Images comparing a healthy control man with an alcoholic man
  Alcohol interacts with cell membranes
  Echo planar magnetic resonance images (fMRI)
  Alcoholic male subject's PET image is pseudocolored to show areas of increased and de...
  Schematic representation of some of the major neurochemical systems affected by alcoh...
  The NMDA receptor complex
  Areas of the brain vulnerable to damage by alcohol
  Animal behavioral paradigms used to explore the positive and negative reinforcing act...
  Comparison of two female subjects who had volumetric MRIs created in a GE 1.5 Tesla M...
  Schematic of a lengthwise cross-section through the human brain
  Major Components of a Typical Neuron
  Adolescent Brains Show Reduced Reward Anticipation
  Topography of ERP response to tactile stimulus at approximately 50 ms after stimulus ...
  Electroencephalographic (i.e., brain wave) tracings of the waveform P300
  PET and MRI images of a male alcoholic
  Performance examples of a control subject and an alcoholic patient on the go/no-go ta...
  Pictorial representation of the Himmelsbach hypothesis as it applies to alcohol use
  Effects of selective attention on exogenous ERPs elicited by stimuli in three sensory...
  Schematic representation of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor
  Opiate receptor activation of a nerve and blockage of the signal by naltrexone
  Treatment & Prevention
  The number and ownership of alcoholism treatment units in 1982 and 1990
  An ecological model of drinking behavior
  Age-specific death rates of liver cirrhosis, United States, 1970–2004.
  Trends in percent distribution of principal (first-listed) diagnoses among discharges...
  Age–adjusted death rates from all liver cirrhosis by race, and sex, United States, 19...
  Percentage of alcohol involvement among drivers in fatal traffic crashes, according t...
  Decedent's role in nonalcohol-related traffic fatalities, United States, 2004.
  Age-adjusted death rates1 from liver cirrhosis by sex (death registration States, 191...
  Apparent per capita ethanol consumption, United States, 1977–2005.
  Trends in percent of discharges with principal (first-listed) or any (all-listed) men...
  Total per capita alcohol consumption in gallons of ethanol by State, United States, 2...
  Percent distribution of principal (first-listed) diagnoses among discharges with prin...
  Percentage of alcohol involvement among young drivers under age 21 and drivers ages 2...
  Percent distribution of principal (first-listed) diagnoses among discharges with any ...
  Decedent's role in alcohol-related traffic fatalities, United States, 2004
  Total and alcohol-related traffic fatality rates per 100 million vehicle miles travel...
  Total and alcohol-related traffic fatality rates per 100 million vehicle miles travel...
  Percent change in per capita alcohol consumption, United States, 1977–2005.
  Age-adjusted death rates from liver cirrhosis by sex (death registration States, 1910...
  Related Websites
  Treatment Referral Information
  Research Guidelines and Resources
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - Recommended Council Guide...
  Task Force on Recommended Alcohol Questions - National Council on Alcohol Abuse and A...
  News | Events
  NIAAA Exhibits
  NIAAA Exhibit Schedule
  Conferences | Meetings | Events
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - February 4-5, 2009
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Meeting-February 5, 2009
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Meeting-June 11, 2009
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Meeting-September 17, 2009
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - September 17-18, 2008 - A...
  About Mark Keller
  13th Annual Mark Keller Lecture-Parking at NIH
  13th Annual Mark Keller Lecture - About the Honoree - Kathleen A. Grant, Ph.D.
  13th Annual Mark Keller Lecture Program - October 21, 2008
  13th Annual Mark Keller Lecture - October 21, 2008
  Transdisciplinary Approaches to Mechanisms of Behavior Change (MOBC) in Alcohol
  NIH Summit: The Science of Eliminating Health Disparities
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism-September 18, 2008
  Preventing Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Substance-exposed Pregnancies: A Community Aff...
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - June 4-5, 2008 - Agenda
  Interagency Coordinating Committee on FAS May 15, 2008 Meeting-Agenda
  Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (ICCFAS) Spring 2008 Mee...
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - June 5, 2008
  Eighth Annual Guze Symposium on Alcoholism-February 21, 2008
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism-February 7, 2008
  Spring 2008 Symposia Series on Mechanisms of Behavior Change-February 27, 2008
  Spring 2008 Symposia Series: Getting at Why People Change, February 27, 2008-Agenda
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - February 6-7, 2008
  News Releases | Advisories
  National Survey Sharpens Picture of Major Depression Among U.S. Adults
  NIAAA-Led Study Verifies Environment-Dependent Behavioral Variation in Genetically Id...
  Dr. Markus Heilig Named NIAAA Clinical Director
  Long-Chain Alcohol Found To Block Mechanism of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  NIAAA and NOFAS Launch Awareness Campaign in District of Columbia: "Play it safe. Alc...
  NIAAA Releases New Alcohol Prevention Website for Middle Schoolers
  Alcohol Researchers Prove Success with Primary Care Interventions
  Neuroimaging Identifies Brain Regions Possibly Involved in Alcohol Craving
  Mark Goldman Named NIAAA Associate Director
  NIAAA Steps Up Search for Brain Mechanisms of Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism
  Mouse Model Links Alcohol Intake to Marijuana-Like Brain Compounds: New Pathway Prese...
  National Alcohol Screening Day (April 6) A National Wake-up Call - APRIL 4 Media Brie...
  Ninth Special Report on Alcohol and Health Marks Research Gains
  Researchers Shed Light on Mechanisms of Voluntary Alcohol Consumption
  5th National Screening Day to Focus Americans on Alcohol and Health: NIAAA Analysis ...
  Mouse Study Identifies Protective Mechanism Against Alcohol-Induced Embryo Toxicity
  Alcohol Researchers Prove "Saving Lives" Strategy Effective
  Researchers Discover Alcohol-Sensitive Membrane Channel - Site found while examining ...
  Alcohol Researchers Suggest Specific Binding Site for Anesthetics and Alcohols
  NIAAA Seeks Knowledge of Alcohol and HIV/AIDS Interactions
  Research and Policy Experts Meet to Address Underage Drinking
  NIAAA Researchers Estimate Alcohol and Drug Use, Abuse, and Dependence Among Welfare ...
  NIAAA Issues New Clinician's Guide for Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much
  Surgeon General Calls on Americans to Face Facts About Drinking Transportation Safety...
  Gene Therapy Technique Reduces Alcohol Consumption in Rats
  Dr. Mark Willenbring Joins NIAAA
  Faye Calhoun Named NIAAA Deputy Director
  Alcohol Researchers Localize Brain Region That Anticipates Reward
  New Research Study in JAMA Shows Adult Marijuana Abuse and Dependence Increased Durin...
  Alcohol Researchers Confirm Molecular Culprit of Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage
  Parents' Escape Drinking Evokes Children's Negative Response to Alcohol Smell
  Ting-Kai Li, M.D. Named New Director of NIH’s Alcohol Research Institute
  NIAAA Releases New Estimates of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence
  Alcohol Researchers Identify New Medication That Lessens Relapse Risk
  Stress Hormone Linked to Increased Alcohol Consumption in Animal Model
  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Launches National Initiative to Pr...
  Frequency of Light-to-Moderate Drinking Reduces Heart Disease Risk in Men
  Study Links Diet Quality with Alcohol Drinking Patterns
  NIAAA Names 2002 Senator Harold Hughes Memorial Award Winner
  Statement of NIAAA Director Enoch Gordis, M.D.
  Surgeon General Helps To Launch First-Ever National Alcohol Screening Day
  NIAAA Reports Project MATCH Main Findings
  NIAAA/VA Researchers Identify Possible Site of Alcohol Damage
  NIAAA Names 2001 Harold Hughes Award Winner
  Ralph Hingson Joins NIAAA
  Alcohol Researchers Prove Brief Intervention Successful In Older Problem Drinkers
  COGA Genome Scan Suggests Linkage on Chromosomes 1, 2, 4, and 7
  NIAAA Releases Physicians' Guide
  Adolescent Brains Show Reduced Reward Anticipation
  Community Efforts Can Reduce Alcohol Fatalities
  NICHD News Release: New Study Finds Babies Born To Mothers Who Drink Alcohol Heavily ...
  Alcohol Researchers Identify a Genetic Basis of Pain Response
  Adult Antisocial Syndrome Common Among Substance Abusers
  Marijuana-Like Substances Linked to Cirrhosis Complications
  2001-2002 Survey Finds that Many Recover from Alcoholism: Researchers Identify Factor...
  Make Your Own Luck on 7th National Alcohol Screening Day: April 7th Marks 7th Annual ...
  Landmark Survey Reports the Prevalence of Personality Disorders in the United States
  Finding May Explain Link Between Alcohol and Certain Cancers
  Researchers Shed Light on Anxiety and Alcohol Intake
  One in Four Children Exposed to Family Alcohol Abuse or Alcoholism
  Six New Members Named to the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholis...
  Adolescent Alcohol Dependence May Damage Brain Function - University of California at...
  COGA Suggests Genetic LOCI for P3 Brain Wave Abnormaility
  Neurogenetics Lab Scan Suggests Genetic Linkage on Chromosomes 4 and 11
  Researchers Identify Alcohol Antagonists in Neural Cells - Findings Have Implications...
  Largest Ever Comorbidity Study Reports Prevalence and Co-Occurrence of Alcohol, Drug,...
  Serotonin Transporter Gene Shown to Influence College Drinking Habits
  Screening for Alcohol Problems in Hospitals: Opportunities Often Missed
  College Alcohol Problems Exceed Previous Estimates
  Alcohol Agencies Announce Academic Emergency Medicine Department Collaboration
  Pretreatment Increases Liver Transplant Survival in Rats
  Age of Drinking Onset Predicts Future Alcohol Abuse and Dependence
  Alcohol Abuse Increases, Dependence Declines Across Decade: Young Adult Minorities Em...
  Youth Drinking Trends Stabilize, Consumption Remains High
  Smokers with Psychiatric Disorders including Nicotine Dependence Consume Most U.S. Ci...
  National Alcohol Screening Day - April 11, 2002
  Study Associates Alcohol Use Patterns With Body Mass Index
  Economic Costs of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Estimated at $246 Billion in the United Stat...
  Research Insights into Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse Highlighted in 10th Special Repor...
  NIAAA Analysis Reveals Increased Risk for Liver Cirrhosis Death Among Hispanic Americ...
  Alcohol Researchers Prove Successful Preventive Intervention
  Researchers Link PKA to Voluntary Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol Effects
  NIAAA Launches COMBINE Clinical Trial - Eleven universities to test behavioral and ph...
  Early Drinking Onset Increases Lifetime Injury Risk
  April 5 Marks National Alcohol Screening Day - 1200 Sites To Screen About 50,000 Pers...
  Community Prevention Trial Reduces Risky Drinking, Alcohol-Related Crashes and Trauma...
  Severe Childhood ADHD May Predict Alcohol, Substance Use Problems in Teen Years
  Alcohol Researchers Identify Genetic Locus of Human Brain Wave (Beta EEG Frequency)
  Alcohol Researchers Show "Friendly" Virus Slows HIV Cell Growth
  Naltrexone Approved for Alcoholism Treatment
  Alcohol Researchers Relate a Genetic Factor to Anxiety in Women
  U.S.-Born Mexican Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites at Increased Risk for Psychiatric...
  Researchers Identify Potential Medication for Early-Onset Alcoholism -- Findings adva...
  Compounds Prevent Alcohol's Disruption of Important Developmental Process - Finding C...
  Alcohol Increases Hepatitis C Virus in Human Cells
  Li to Step Down as Director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  Micro RNA Implicated As Molecular Factor in Alcohol Tolerance
  Statement of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism on Topiramate Cli...
  Kenneth Warren Named NIAAA Deputy Director
  Online Video Program Trains Clinicians to Help Patients Who Drink Too Much
  "Rethinking Alcohol Use Disorders: Science, Diagnosis, Treatment and Policy" -- NIAAA...
  Study Links Receptor to Stress-Induced Alcohol Relapse
  Early Drinking Linked to Higher Lifetime Alcoholism Risk
  Naltrexone or Specialized Alcohol Counseling an Effective Treatment for Alcohol Depen...
  Brief Intervention Helps Emergency Patients Reduce Drinking
  Early Alcohol Dependence Linked to Reduced Treatment Seeking and Chronic Relapse
  Gene Variant Increases Risk for Alcoholism Following Childhood Abuse
  Study Finds Reduced Brain Growth in Alcoholics with Family Drinking History
  Fruit Fly Study Identifies Gene Mutation That Regulates Sensitivity to Alcohol
  Same Genes May Underlie Alcohol and Nicotine Co-Abuse
  NIH Partners with HBO on Groundbreaking Documentary on Addiction
  Study Advances Evidence for Receptor's Role in Alcohol Pleasure and Problems
  The Wrong Road Early--An Interview with Dr. Ralph Hingson and HHS Healthbeat
  NIH Radio Interview with Dr. Mark Willenbring on Updated Clinician's Guide
  NIH Researchers Identify OCD Risk Gene
  Researchers Identify Alcoholism Subtypes
  Scientists Find Genetic Factor in Stress Response Variability
  News Advisory: Updated Guide Offers Clinicians New Tools to Help Patients With Alcoho...
  Scientists Identify Gene That Influences Alcohol Consumption
  Alcohol Survey Reveals 'Lost Decade' Between Ages of Disorder Onset and Treatment
  Scientists Link Chromatin Modifications with Alcohol Withdrawal Anxiety
  Brain Stress System Presents Possible Treatment Target for Alcohol Dependence
  Pediatricians Alerted to the Developmental Nature of Underage Drinking in Special Jou...
  Study Reveals New Genes for Excessive Alcohol Drinking
  Quantity and Frequency of Drinking Influence Mortality Risk
  Two NIH Institutes Share Emmy Award for HBO’s The Addiction Project
  Gene Variant Predicts Medication Response in Patients with Alcohol Dependence
  College Drinking Hazardous to Campus Communities Task Force Calls for Research-Based ...
  Videoconference Series
  FAQs for the General Public - Spanish
  FAQs for the General Public
  FAQs for Extramural Researchers
  About NIAAA
  Advisory Council
  Council Minutes
  National Advisory Council Meeting - June 5, 2008
  National Advisory Council Meeting-February 6-7, 2008
  National Advisory Council Meeting-September 8-9, 2004
  National Advisory Council Meeting-September 20-21, 2006
  National Advisory Council Meeting-May 25-26, 2005
  National Advisory Council Meeting-February 7-8, 2007
  National Advisory Council Meeting-June 4-5, 2003
  National Advisory Council Meeting-February 4-5, 2004
  National Advisory Council Meeting-September 20, 2001
  National Advisory Council Meeting-May 26-27, 2004
  National Advisory Council Meeting-September 13-14, 2000
  National Advisory Council Meeting-February 5-6, 2003
  National Advisory Council Meeting-May 24, 2007
  National Advisory Council Meeting-February 7-8, 2001
  National Advisory Council Meeting-September 18-19, 2002
  National Advisory Council Meeting-September 19-20, 2007
  National Advisory Council Meeting-February 9-10, 2000
  National Advisory Council Meeting-September 14-15, 2005
  National Advisory Council Meeting-June 7-8, 2000
  National Advisory Council Meeting-February 2-3, 2005
  National Advisory Council Meeting-April 3, 2002
  National Advisory Council Meeting-February 6-7, 2002
  National Advisory Council Meeting-June 6-7, 2001
  National Advisory Council Meeting-June 5-6, 2002
  Director's Reports
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to 119th Natoinal Advisory Council M...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the Naitonal Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to 118th Advisory Council Meeting - J...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  Director's Report on Institute Activities to 116th Meeting of Advisory Council-Septem...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the 111th Meeting of the National ...
  Fiscal Year 2006 President's Budget Request
  Director's Report on Institute Activities to the 115th Meeting of the National Adviso...
  NIAAA Director’s Report on Institute Activities to 117th Meeting of the National Advi...
  Director's Report on Institute Activities to the 114th Meeting of the National Adviso...
  Director's Report on Institute Activities to the 113th Meeting of the National Adviso...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the 110th Meeting of the National ...
  Director's Report on Institute Activities to the 112th Meeting of the National Adviso...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Acting Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Counc...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institutes Activities to the National Advisory Council on ...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  NIAAA Acting Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Counc...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activitites to the National Advisory Council on ...
  NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council on A...
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Meeting Dates
  National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Roster
  Congressional Information
  Congressional Budget
  FY2003 Congressional Budget Justification
  FY2002 Congressional Budget Justification
  FY2001 Congressional Budget Justification
  Congressional Testimony
  FY 2008 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House ...
  FY 2009 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement before the House ...
  FY 2001 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House ...
  NIAAA Director's Statement before the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee ...
  Prevalence of Lifetime Alcohol Dependance by Age at Onset of Drinking (Chart 1)
  FY 2003 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Acting Director's Statement Before the...
  A Medical Education Model for Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders
  Alcohol Damages the Cerebellum (image)
  Low Doses of Alcohol Impair Merchant Ship Pilots (simulated)
  Locating Alcohol's Action
  NIAAA Director's Statement Before the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee ...
  Genes-Behavior Link
  FY 2004 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the Senate...
  Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Alcohol Consumption
  FY 2000 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House ...
  Tumor Necrosis Factor-a (TNFa) in Alcohol-induced Liver Injury
  FY 2005 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House ...
  Intervening with High-Risk College Students-Alcohol Dependency Scale
  NIAAA Director's Statement before the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee ...
  FY 2002 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House ...
  NIAAA outreach activities
  FY 2005 Hearing on Substance Abuse and Mental Health - Director's Statement Before th...
  FY 1999 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House ...
  Relative Timeframes for Various Types of Alcohol Research to Yield Practical Applicat...
  FY 2008 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the Senate...
  X-ray Structure of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (Chart 3)
  Significant Items In House And Senate
  FY 2006 Hearing on Substance Abuse and Mental Health - Deputy Director's Statement Be...
  FY 2006 President's Budget Request for NIAAA - Director's Statement Before the House ...
  Directors Page
  Interagency Coordinating Committee on FAS
  Appendix C Participant List
  Early Childhood Neurobehavioral Assessment
  Appendix A. Elements of Model Research Intervention Programs
  Speakers in Working Group on Prevention of Risk Drinking in Pregnancy
  Smoking Prevention Studies
  Early Studies on Prevention of Alcohol Use in Pregnancy
  Agenda on Working Group on Prevention of Risk Drinking in Pregnancy
  Current Studies on Prevention of Alcohol Use in Pregnancy
  Working Group on Prevention of Risk Drinking in Pregnancy
  Introduction on Working Group on Prvention of Risk Drinking in Pregnancy
  Substance Abuse Prevention and Other Pregnancy Risk Studies
  About Interagency Coordinating Committe on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Member Organizations
  Description of ICCFAS Organization Members Chart
  Interagency Coordinating Committe on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Executive Committee Membe...
  Web Sites for ICCFAS Member Organizations
  Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (ICCFAS) Progress Report
  ICCFAS Education Work Group Members
  ICCFAS Justice Issues Work Group Members
  ICCFAS Women, Drinking, and Pregnancy Working Group Roster
  About Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
  NIAAA Sponsored Programs
  Underage Drinking Research Initiative
  Statistical Snapshot of Underage Drinking
  Facts About Alcohol and Adolescent Health
  Statistical Snapshot of College Drinking
  Underage and College Drinking: Key Facts and Stats
  Research Findings on Underage Drinking and the Minimum Legal Drinking Age
  Research Findings on College Drinking and the Minimum Legal Drinking Age
  Organizational Information
  NIAAA Organization Chart
  NIAAA Organization Chart Description
  Strategic Plan
  The History of NIAAA
  NIAAA Mission Statement
  Research Initiatives
  Vision Statement
  Staff Directories
  Plan to Address Health Disparities Initiatives - 2005
  Plan to Address Health Disparities Initiatives - Introduction 2005
  Donations to NIAAA
  Privacy Statement
  Site Map
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