Study Assembly 

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Last Reviewed:  6/1/2008
Last Updated:  12/13/2005

Study Assembly 

The Study Assembly of the National Children’s Study is the primary vehicle for sharing information among stakeholders. The Study Assembly is very broad-based and represents the interests of a very diverse group of individuals.

Study Assembly meetings take place every two to three years and are held in a variety of locations. The Study Assembly meeting is held as a means to provide information on the status of the Study and to provide an opportunity for Assembly members to give feedback on various aspects of the Study.


Membership in the Study Assembly is open to any person who is interested in the design, conduct, and results of the National Children’s Study. You can join the National Children’s Study Assembly by filling out the Study Assembly Subscription Form. As part of the Study Assembly you will receive periodic updates and notification of meetings by e-mail.

Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings