Research Support
Summary of Major NIA Support Mechanisms
NIA's extramural programs support a variety of research project grant mechanisms appropriate for individuals with different levels of experience and who conduct different types of research. For most mechanisms, principal investigators must be conducting research at the postdoctoral level. Specific grant mechanisms are available for researchers beginning their career; other mechanisms are available for midcareer and senior researchers.
New Investigators: R01 applications from new investigators will be considered among NIA's highest priorities in the use of discretionary funds to make awards selectively.Therefore, such applications may be funded out of strict percentile order. NIA encourages new investigators to contact the assigned program administrator for a R01 application if the percentile score obtained is within five points of the payline described on our funding policy.
Other mechanisms support a multidisciplinary team of researchers and may involve cooperation among three or more investigators addressing a common theme. Such mechanisms are: (1) Program Project Grants, (2) Center Grants, and (3) Cooperative Research Studies. Applicants should discuss plans with the appropriate NIA program staff prior to submitting a proposal. The individual content areas of research on aging (e.g, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, demography) that are supported by the Institute are described in NIA's Research Programs.
For general information about NIA's extramural programs, contact OEAQuery@EXMUR.NIA.NIH.GOV.
NIA supports the following research grant mechanisms:
For more information, see the following:
Page last updated Sep 26, 2008