OP-PPS-L archives -- December 2008

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OP-PPS-L archives – December 2008

  1. CMS Hosts Listening Session on Hospital-Acquired Conditions in Inpatient and Outpatient Settings

  2. Long Term Care Hospital Special Project

  3. Medicare Contractor Inpatient and Long Term Care Hospital Medical Review Initiatives

  4. Medicare Part B Drugs Average Sales Price Files -- January 2009

  5. New Electronic Mailbox for Submitting Requests to Add or Delete Telehealth Services

  6. Physicians and Other Health Professionals Value-Based Purchasing Plan Listening Session

  7. Physicians and Other Health Professionals Value-Based Purchasing Plan Listening Session Transcript and Deadline for Comments

  8. Registration Extended to December 4, 2008 for Physician Value-Based Purchasing Plan Listening Session

  9. Registration Link for Listening Session on Hospital-Acquired Conditions in Inpatient and Outpatient Settings
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