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NIH Clinical Center: National Institutes of Health
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About the Clinical Center
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Historical Perspective

For a historical perspective of the DCRI leadership and organizational structure view these Historical Organizational Charts PDF Logo

If you are using assistive technology and are unable to interpret this chart, please see the Text Version.

Who We Are

The Department of Clinical Research Informatics (DCRI) is responsible for creating and maintaining the technological infrastructure necessary to support all mainframe, client-server, desktop and laptop computers for all CC employees and other NIH employees involved with clinical care, including application development, systems operations and database management.

DCRI provides expert technical advice on a wide range of information systems topics and supports the various activities of the NIH, CC and the new Clinical Research Center (CRC) through the development, implementation, operation and management of administrative, business and clinical software applications used by over 4,500 individuals.


DCRI will serve as a model of collaborative excellence. We will lead by providing outstanding service in support of high quality clinical care and the through innovation in the development, training, use and evaluation of informatics for clinical care and research while maintaining the highest standards of information security, including patient privacy and confidentiality.


DCRI is committed to delivering secure, responsive, high quality, customer-oriented information technology services that support the clinical care and research activities within the Clinical Center.


  1. Provide clinical systems that support efficient and effective workflow processes, enhance patient safety and allow rapid user-friendly access to reliable data necessary to foster information exchange and increase knowledge amongst users.
  1. Provide a secure, dependable and accessible technical environment that supports the increasing information technology requirements related to improving clinical and administrative systems.
  1. Maintain the highest levels of customer satisfaction with the systems and applications provided by DCRI.

This page last reviewed on 06/18/08

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NIH Clinical Center | National Institutes of Health | Department of Health and Human Services

Clinical Center        National Institutes of Health        Department of Health and Human Services        USA Gov