National Cancer Institute
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Epidemiology and Genetics Research Branch
Cancer Control and Population Sciences

Long Island Breast Cancer Study:

This page links to some files in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Breast Cancer and the Environment on Long Island


Following is the main questionnaire used in the study. The in-person questionnaire was administered to case and control women by trained interviewers and usually took less than two hours. The environmental section of the questionnaire was later adapted for use in the Breast Cancer Comprehensive Questionnaire, which has prepared by the National Action Plan on Breast Cancer (NAPBC). (Researchers may find useful NAPBC's questionnaire, which provides a standardized set of questions in six modules, and permits comparison of results across studies.) The following questionnaire is provided for informational purposes. The study is closed, and the data are now being analyzed.

Main Questionnaire (PDFs)

In this interview, we'll be discussing a number of topics including your residential and occupational histories, your medical history, your menstrual and reproductive history, and other health-related topics. Of course your participation is voluntary, and all the information collected will be kept confidential.

Last modified:
27 Jul 2006
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