CAGRID_USERS-L archives -- December 2007

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CAGRID_USERS-L archives – December 2007

  1. caGrid Portal

  2. caGrid Portal and Browser Applications Will Be Temporarily Unavailable

  3. caGrid User Group Meeting on 12/20/2007

  4. CQL to HQL to SQL Error

  5. CQL with quote in value of an attribute

  6. CQLQuery

  7. DiscoveryClient output

  8. Doubt regarding caGrid service

  9. FW: Metadata for Discovery of Terminology Services

  10. FW: Problem in running CaDSRServiceClient in jboss

  11. GridFTP question

  12. Guide on how to Integrate and Identity Provider with Dorian

  13. handling special characters in CQL results xml

  14. Here are the Slides for the caGrid User Meeting on 12/20/2007

  15. Mix up jar files, then not working.

  16. Monthly Maintenance December 15, 2007, 6:00 p.m. to December 16, 2007, 6:00 a.m.

  17. Problem in running CaDSRServiceClient in jboss

  18. Proxy issues in getting service-info from index service using MetadataUtils

  19. Queries regarding DiscoveryClient's methods

  20. registering to use browser

  21. Request for caGrid wiki account

  22. Schema Selection Error

  23. ServiceGroupRegistrationClient

  24. Sharing/Transfer of data across the grid between applications

  25. Tomcat datasource

  26. Unknown CA Error while running service client

  27. Using WS GRAM with analytical services?

  28. WS-Notification impl
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