CAGRID_USERS-L archives -- December 2006

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CAGRID_USERS-L archives – December 2006

  1. Announcement: Monthly Maintenance December 16, 2006 , 6:00 p.m. to December 17, 2006 , 6:00 a.m

  2. caGrid 1.0 (10th Nov release)

  3. caGrid 1.0 assistance

  4. caGrid 1.0 Released

  5. cqlquery

  6. EA schema generation question

  7. EDUCAUSE Southwest Regional proposal accepted

  8. Error connecting to caDSR while creating a Data Service

  9. Exception

  10. FW: caGrid 1.0 assistance

  11. Lazy Initialization Exception

  12. Potential SPAM:UML modelling question

  13. problem with abstract service parameters

  14. Query about Grid Enabling caBIO

  15. Query on DCQL

  16. quick question regarding authentication and the index service

  17. UML modelling question
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