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Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Division of Intramural Research

Latest DIR Publication

2007 DIR Annual Report Image

For more, visit the Publications pages.

Section on Molecular Signal Transduction

Head: Tamas Balla

Research is focused on the signal transduction pathways, especially the role of phospholipid messengers, in mediating the actions of hormones and growth factors in mammalian cells. Current studies are aimed at:

  1. understanding the function and regulation of two novel phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4-kinases that control the synthesis of hormone-sensitive phosphoinositide pools;
  2. characterizing the structural features that determine the catalytic specificity of PI 3-kinases and PI 4-kinases;
  3. defining the molecular basis of protein-phosphoinositide interactions via the plekstrin homology domains of selected regulatory proteins;
  4. determining the importance of these interactions in the activation of cellular responses by G protein-coupled receptors and receptor tyrosine kinases.
