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Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Division of Intramural Research

Latest DIR Publication

2007 DIR Annual Report Image

For more, visit the Publications pages.

Section on Physical Biochemistry

Head: Sergey L. Leikin

Recognition and self-assembly reactions are some of the most fundamental molecular processes in living organisms. These reactions are responsible for the folding, interactions, and aggregation of proteins and nucleic acids. Our goal is to improve our understanding of common physical principles governing such reactions. We laid the foundation for our work with our discovery of symmetry features in the structural organization of helical biomolecules that govern assembly and stability of collagen fibers, in sequence homology recognition and condensation of DNA, and in several other reactions. We continue to build our understanding of DNA self-assembly, although in recent years we have shifted the focus of our research to collagen. We now concentrate most of our efforts on understanding how disruption of the helical structure of collagen by osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) mutations leads to pathology of collagen matrix formation in this devastating “brittle bone” disease. Together with the NICHD and extramural clinicians and scientists, we strive to gain better knowledge of the molecular origins of OI. We look forward to using this knowledge for diagnostics, characterization, and treatment of this and related diseases, bringing our expertise in physical biochemistry and theory to clinical research and practice.
