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Roadmaps for Clinical Practice series: Assessment and Management of Adult Obesity

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Case Studies in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Assessment and Management of Adult ObesityProduced with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Assessment and Management of Adult Obesity consists of ten booklets that offer practical recommendations for addressing adult obesity in the primary care setting.

The primer offers practical advice on:

  • evaluating patients for current and potential health risks related to weight—beginning with a measure of the body mass index (BMI);
  • understanding medication and surgical options;
  • improving communication and counseling; and
  • making office environments more accomodating to obese patients.

Download the obesity primer
The booklets are in PDF format.  The clinical tools and patient handouts that appear throughout the booklets also can be downloaded below.

Booklet 1 - Introduction and clinical considerations (PDF)
Booklet 2 - Evaluating your patients for overweight or obesity (PDF)
Booklet 3 - Assessing readiness and making treatment decisions (PDF)
Booklet 4 - Dietary management (PDF)
Booklet 5 - Physical activity management (PDF)
Booklet 6 - Pharmacological management (PDF)
Booklet 7 - Surgical management (PDF)
Booklet 8 - Communication and counseling strategies (PDF)
Booklet 9 - Setting up the office environment (PDF)
Booklet 10 - Resources for physicians and patients (PDF)

Clinical tools

Patient handouts

Last updated: Nov 24, 2008
Content provided by: Medicine and Public Health