National Institute on Aging > Research > Research Programs (Extramural)
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Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology (DGCG)

The DGCG supports research on health and disease in the aged and research on aging during the human lifespan, including its relationships to health outcomes.

Research Areas

Research initiatives comprising of three major areas: Geriatrics, Clinical Gerontology, and Clinical Trials. Geriatrics research focuses primarily on health issues regarding the aged and addresses research on disease and disability in older persons, including both specific conditions and issues related to multiple morbidity. Clinical Gerontology research focuses primarily on clinically related issues regarding aging and addresses research on aging and changes during the lifespan. A major focus is on the determinants of age-related progression rate changes that affect disease risk, particularly those affecting risk for multiple age-related conditions. The program also plans and administers clinical trials on age-related issues.   

Current Funding Opportunities

Funding mechanisms including Requests for Applications and Program Announcements such as R21-Exploratory/Development Grants.   

Alternative Format Pages for RFA AG-07-008

Alternative Format Pages for RFA AG-07-008: Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (OAICs) and Coordinating Center (P30)  

Summary of the NIA Exploratory Workshop on Unexplained Fatigue in the Elderly - MS Word (267K)

June 25-26, 2007 – NIA convened a multidisciplinary group of translational and clinical researchers to explore the current state of knowledge on fatigue in older adults and to identify knowledge gaps and the most promising research opportunities for future efforts in this field.   
For more information about DGCG, contact: GCGquery@NIA.NIH.GOV.