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Training in Survival Rodent Surgery CD

The Office of Animal Care and Use, OD and the National Human Genome Research Institute are proud to announce the availability of a CD Rom disk created to assist researchers in developing proper surgical skills when performing survival surgery on rodents. The CD illustrates the most common practices used in the NIH intramural research program and survival rodent surgery standards established by the NIH Guidelines for Survival Rodent Surgery. It is not the only way to perform rodent surgery aseptically. Please consult with your veterinarian to be sure you are following any specific requirements of your Animal Care and Use Committee.

The CD consists of three training modules:
  • General Training in Survival Rodent Surgery
  • Simple Suture Patterns for Rodent Surgery
  • Special Considerations for Aseptic Surgery in a Transgenic Mouse Facility
plus a table of contents, a list of definitions, help and references.

This CD was developed by a subcommittee of the NIH Animal Research Advisory Committee. Committee members included: Shelley Hoogstraten-Miller, NHGRI, Co-Chair
Patricia Brown, OACU, OD Co-Chair
Lee Chedester, NIAAA
Judy Davis, NINDS
Galen Perry, NHGRI

To obtain a copy of the CD:
Send your name, research institution affiliation, full mailing address and e-mail address to the following e-mail site:
One copy per request please.

Illustrations of products and materials in the program are not meant as endorsements by the NIH, but as examples of items commonly used in performing rodent surgery. Other similar products may work as well.



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