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CAM Offerings in U.S. Hospitals

A recently released survey on CAM, conducted for the American Hospital Association (AHA), describes the characteristics and CAM offerings of nearly 1,400 hospitals throughout the United States. CAM services and locations, finances and reimbursement, planning and staffing, and evaluation and research were the major topic areas. Health Forum LLC, a subsidiary of AHA, conducted the survey in 2005.

Acupuncture Acupuncture
Among the findings:
Inpatient CAM Services Percentage
Massage therapy 37
Music/art therapy 26
Therapeutic Touch 25
Guided imagery 22
Relaxation training 20
Acupuncture 12

Outpatient CAM Services Percentage
Massage therapy 71
Tai chi, yoga, or qi gong 47
Relaxation training 43
Acupuncture 39
Guided imagery 32
Therapeutic Touch 30

1 The report did not state how CAM was defined.

Patient demand 79
Scientific evidence base 65
Availability of practitioners 53
Market research 23
Patient demand 87
Reflects the hospital's mission 62
Clinical effectiveness of the therapies 61
To attract new patients 38
Physicians' requests 37
To be different from competitors 28
Possible cost savings 14
Employee requests 11
Other 9
Insurance coverage 4

Eighty-one percent of CAM users at these facilities paid for the CAM services out-of-pocket. Insurance reimbursement paid for 37 percent.

Ananth S, Martin W. Health Forum 2005 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Survey of Hospitals: Summary of Results. Chicago: Health Forum LLC; 2006.